Training meeting Monday July 10, 2023
Meeting called to order 1803
Roll Call
12 members in attendance, no guest in attendance
Previous Meeting Minutes
• Minutes read and approved
Chief’s report
• None
Old Business
New Business
Fire Call Review
• Turner Fire discussion and after action review
o Good response and great teamwork
o Defensive fire – sheriff had driven by about 15 mins prior with no visible signs of a fire
o Chief’s point of view
Reminder for duties and responsibilities of first responder on scene
Insurance has conflicting information on the fire
• RP stated she smelled something and saw a glow
• Everyone got out safely
• N/S gables were on fire, not the E/W
Secondary exposures were minimized
• Wet year, field did not catch on fire
• Grass around house appeared freshly mowed and maintained
• Try to preserve exterior walls
• Keep an eye out for safety concerns, i.e. fall zones
o Construction of the house was a century home, 2 stories
No fire blocks – walls had newspaper and saw dust
Balloon Construction
Metal roof – held heat
o Watch truck locations
If the truck is hot to touch, do not try to cool it with water. This will cause windows to break and paint to bubble
Move truck, if possible, further away
Any questions, find an engineer or white hat
o Atmosphere was good, no one seemed panicky
o Keep water resources in mind
Special Events
• Border Days Update given
• Propane class will be rescheduled
o State had to send all equipment in for maintenance
o Rescheduling may help with more attendance from other local departments
o Group text will go out for a reminder and inform those not at meeting
o Early November is a possible reschedule timeframe
• Training will be truck rodeo with pump familiarization
o One on one training with someone rock solid on the pump, rotating trucks/stations
Start from the beginning of coming on scene
• Refresher of knowledge on starting pumps, filling tanks, discharge pumps, knowing jump lines, etc
o Gear and battery checks also done
Meeting adjourned 1954
· Minutes taken by Sadie Galloway
Approved by Fire Chief Brian Perry