Grangeville City Council Agenda
September 6, 2016 – 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Pledge of Allegiance
Read and/or approve minutes of the August 15th meeting
Public Hearing: Fee Increases and 2016-17 Budget Hearing
Committee Reports:
1. Library Minutes – August 11, 2016 and August 16, 2016
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
1. Approve the beer garden application for Grangeville Merchants and the Catering permit for
Grangeville Elks Lodge for Octoberfest on October 8th from 11am to 10:00 pm on south side of
Heritage Square in access right of way
2. Adopt Ordinance – Appropriation Ordinance 2016-17
3. Adopt Ordinance – Sewer Rate Increase 2016-17
4. Adopt Ordinance – Water Rate Increase 2016-17
5. Adopt Resolution – Snowhaven Fees 2016-17
6. Adopt Resolution – Pool Fees 2016-17
7. Adopt Resolution – Public Works pay scale
Items to Note:
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.