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July 12, 2022 Special Meeting

City Council met in special session on July 12, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Lester presided:

Councilmembers present:
Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Beryl Grant
Amy Farris
Pete Lane

Councilmember absent Dylan Canaday

City employees present were City Administrator Kennedy, Treasurer Rowland, Chief Newman, Public Works Director Mager, Librarian Sobrero, Assistant Librarian Brown, Fire Chief Perry and Assistant Chief Andrews.

LIBRARY: Sobrero stated most of the budget has remained the same; however they budgeted to replace the carpet at $5,000 in the young adult and adult rooms. Mayor Lester brought up the railing outside the front of the library to determine if it needed painted or powder coated. Mager will look into it. Councilor Grant brought up the lack of railing at the back door inside the building.

POLICE: Newman stated overtime, fuel and training is up, mainly due to staffing and increased costs of fuel and ammunition. The vehicles budgeted for the current year won’t be here before October 1st, so he needs to roll forward those funds. The new lease to own for the chief’s vehicle is budgeted. Debbie was originally budgeted as 20 hours/week as police admin; however those hours were reduced to 12 hours/week based on the best estimate of hours actually worked for the police.

FIRE: Perry and Andrews explained budget highlights. Perry is increasing training by $1,000 for Fire Rescue One which provides online training. He wants to increase Assistant Chief Andrews salary by $600/year. Andrews does a lot for the department and felt he should have an increase. He considers Assistant Chief Tackett as a captain rather than an assistant chief. He is running into issues with on-call on the weekend. One or two of the three chiefs need to be around on call 7 days a week 365 days year. He would like to set up an Incident Commander (IC) position at $100 / weekend using an experienced fireman, so the chief and/or assistants don’t have to cover every weekend. Currently 2 people are required to be on call because of the 2 departments, City and Rural. Perry is also asking Rural Fire to cover an on-call position.

GENERAL: Kennedy budgeted for TVs for the council room for presentations/zoom meetings, a new printer in the office, a custom-made council table $5,000 and new carpet/vinyl on the city hall side, including the kitchen.

REVENUES: Kennedy provided an overview of the revenues for the Council.

Adjourned at 7:45 P.M.

Wes Lester – Mayor


Tonya Kennedy – Clerk