City Council met in regular session on December 4, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Lester presided:
Councilmembers present:
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane
Amy Farris
Dylan Canaday
Scott Winkler
Beryl Grant
City employees present were City Administrator Kennedy, Public Works Director Mager, Chief Newman and Attorney Jessup.
MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the Council minutes of November 20th were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Farris. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
VISITORS: Amy Manning with III-A was present to provide the 2022-23 III-A Annual Report. It was formed in 2011 and currently has 103 agencies. III-A has a 24 hour, 7 days a week benefit line that had 2,217 calls. III-A is very busy and getting ready to add 2 new employees. In the last year, 12 new agencies joined for a total of 5,427 members.
BANDSHELL/PAVILION: Ted Lindsley was present to ask why the pavilion was being moved to the Lions Park. The group has been trying to get the performing arts pavilion since 2017. He understands the Lions Club was trying to get it done and built. Other surrounding communities have built a pavilion. He has been approached by numerous citizens who would like to have at the city park. He would like to use the existing soroptimist shelter and enhance for future uses by putting on a new roof but using the existing footprint. Grangeville Arts uses it about 10 days a year while the general public uses it the rest. The City should make sure it’s assessible as it does matter to those physically challenged. He felt the City should use some of the Webb donation to put in the ADA requirements so everyone can use the pool/park year-round. Ted felt the pavilion could be modified within the existing footprint.
Abner King, Lions Club president stated the club fully supports the pavilion and they support it whether it’s at the city park or Lions Park. They just want it where the people will use it.
Cathy Wassmuth, Grangeville Horizon’s Recreation stated she has worked with the Horizon’s committee over the years. Todd Marek and Rachel Young have been to numerous meetings and there has been no production from council meetings to move forward.
Carla Astle, Mountain View school music teacher stated it makes sense to have the roof raised and to have it at the city park where the events occur.
Cody Edwards questioned what the concerns were and why it has not already been built at the city park.
Mayor Lester stated years ago when Bruce Walker was mayor, Todd Marek, Bruce and he met at the park and talked multiple ideas for locations on the proposed pavilion. It was also brought up to have it on the east side of Lions Park as an amphitheater. This last summer the group came to the city asking to have it moved to Lions Park. Over the years it has been trying to get bands in to pavilion, both backing up and keeping them from driving over sprinklers and being aware of all the kids when backing past the playground. The council hasn’t stalled it, but the location kept changing.
Councilor Grant stated the city has been working with Todd and Rachel for a lot of years. When ADA was triggered for the project, the committee didn’t want to pay for it and it raised the cost of the project.
Ted Lindsley stated the city has money sitting from in the Webb fund and should use that for ADA access. The Webb’s would be happy with it going toward that expense. Councilor Grant stated we may need that money for future pool repairs as we have an aging system.
Yolanda Stout stated she doesn’t go to Lions Park because she doesn’t want to fall and get hurt as she has physical limitations. The City Park is assessable and she can go there safely so she felt it should be located at that park.
Cathy Wassmuth felt there should be a sidewalk all the way around the park.
Mayor Lester stated in order to install sidewalks, the south side still has trees that would be in the way and need to come out. The conduit that the Horizon’s Committee installed would also need to be moved. Florence Street would be easier, but the City didn’t do anything as the pavilion was going to be located there.
Public Works Director Mager questioned if those here understood the plan for the Lions Park. The area for the pavilion would be a flat spot, it would tidy up the pavilion with a flip flop of softball field, ADA restrooms and ADA for bleachers and sidewalks would be added. He thought the Lions were agreeing with the location since they donated land and figured out how we were going to install new parking in addition to ADA parking. Prior to this move, the pavilion was going in the corner on Florence. Rhonda Wemhoff had stated it triggered ADA and they found out research and cost. If the project cuts into the park then the Horizon’s conduit was going to have to be moved. The original proposal would have interfered with a massive water line in the park, so it was moved over to the backstop area.
Ted Lindsley stated Rhonda said ADA doesn’t kick in with a remodel of an existing building.
Todd Marek stated it’s been complicated with moving locations. The City was originally going to pay for ADA when Jeff was there and then the city backed out on ADA. The original price was $64,000. The elevation survey took a year to get back. Todd stated he and Rachael represented Grangeville Arts. A subcommittee was formed to discuss the pavilion and it dwindled down in size. The costs kept changing and some members didn’t like the corner location at Pioneer Park. It came up again to move to the Lions Park. They preferred Lions Park to the corner of Pioneer so they chose to move it forward. He felt now there may be a lot of people that want it to move back to the Soroptimist site. Their number one location is the Soroptimist site and Grangeville Arts wants to have it where the people want it. Even with the grant they won’t have enough for handicap parking or sidewalks. They should change the concrete slab up to grade so it’s all the same level. The project costs are still higher than before.
Cody Edwards questioned how the costs compare at Soroptimist compared to the Lions. It was stated $70,000-$100,00 parking at Pioneer Park vs 10,000 at Lions Park. Cathy Wassmuth stated the Lions Park is inconvenient for Winter Magic and people won’t move between parks. She appreciates the Lions being very helpful but felt it’s better at the soroptimist location.
Mayor Lester stated the pavilion is in land and water conservation grant, so if it is moved back to Pioneer Park, then then the City has to get state approval. Councilor Farris stated she’s not opposed to the pavilion going in. She felt like they never knew all the costs. Todd stated he had numbers, but then costs change every time location changed. Councilor Grant felt this would be the best location.
Scott Winkler questioned what is the decision of the committee for a location? Is it to remodel the existing soroptimist building? Todd stated he thought so, but he couldn’t make that decision for the committee. Winkler also questioned if the request is to build it in the current footprint of existing structure? Todd stated that is correct.
On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Farris to move the performing arts pavilion location back to the current soroptimist structure pending parks and recreation approval. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Grant to accept the Library Minutes of November 16, 2023. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
(Ordinance No. 973 in its entirety on file in the City’s Ordinance File)
On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane that the first reading be approved, that the rules be suspended, the second and third readings be waived and the ordinance be approved and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed. Mayor Lester then declared Ordinance No. 973 duly approved and adopted.
SURPLUS: On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Farris to Surplus the 2005 Chevy ¾ ton, 4×4 extended cab with tommy lift, diesel 75-gallon slip tank and toolbox, VIN ending in #E282957. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
LIBRARY CODE AMENDMENT: City Administrator Kennedy explained Title 1 Chapter 2 Library Board needs amended. Kennedy made recommendations on which sections to keep, which should be deleted and some amended. The Council asked to get a quarterly report from the Library Director, while the appointment and dissolution of board will refer to state code. Attorney Jessup will have a revised ordinance for the Council at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.
Wes Lester – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk