April 22, 2024 Fire Training Minutes

Training meeting Monday April 22, 2024
Meeting called to order 1803

• 13 members in attendance
• Minutes read and approved with corrections
• Letter from Boston with a request for pictures, patch, and any other information on GFD for a school project
• Border Days and Fireworks discussion
• M. Tackett has resigned from GFD
• Engineer/Groundsmen
o Requirements for knowledge and operations
• Equipment Orders and Current equipment
• Training
o Follow-up discussion on FireRescue1assignments
o Training at Airport Rd with City3, City2, City1 and Eng4
 Wrap and roll practice
 Hydrant hookup
 Pumping from start to finish on 2 and 3
 Deluge usage
o Extrication Awareness April 27
 Will be rescheduled for the meeting on May 13th’s meeting
o Possible future training – house potentially being torn down, good option for cutting training and smoke machine usage

Meeting adjourned 2030
· Minutes taken by Sadie Galloway
Approved by Fire Chief Brian Perry

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