City Council met in special session on July 10, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Lester presided:
Councilmembers present:
Dylan Canaday
Scott Winkler
Jared Andrews
Wyatt Perry
Amy Farris
Beryl Grant
City employees present were City Administrator Kennedy, Chief Newman, Public Works Director Mager and Fire Chief Perry.
Health Insurance for Fire Chief
City Administrator Kennedy contacted III-A inquiring if the fire chief could be added to the group health insurance. In order to do so, the Council would need to amend the personnel handbook to allow the fire chief to be eligible for insurance. Kennedy voiced her concern over the possibility of the library employees coming to the council asking for the same. They are authorized to work 29 hours specifically so they aren’t eligible for health insurance and they work year-round. Current policy is that you must be a fulltime employee to have health insurance. Single coverage on the group health insurance plan is $10,092 annually. The chief is currently eligible for the ACA Plan which is $9,288 annually. Seasonal and part time employees can purchase the ACA Plan at their cost.
Discussion occurred if the chief’s salary could be bumped up and then the city would pay half and Perry could pay the other half. Chief Perry was called to come in for discussion if he was available. After he arrived, he stated he wouldn’t take it out if he had to pay for it as it would reduce his pay too much and he’s healthy. The Council discussed options and decided not to offer the group health insurance and instead increased the fire chief’s pay by $1,000 annually.
Pay Scale
Discussion occurred if everyone was ok with Mike Tackett’s pay at $28.11 with him taking over as plant operator. This was approved along with the proposed pay scale changes.
The Council chose to move forward with the 3.33% COLA for employees maxed out on the pay scale.
Budget Discussion and Balancing
Discussion occurred on capital projects in the budget. On the excavator and trailer it was determined to charge $0 to park and an additional $30,000 to water as it wouldn’t be used as much in park.
The budget was balanced with investments.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.