April 6, 2015 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on April 6, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:

Mike Peterson
Shelley Dumas
Beryl Grant
Pete Lane
Scott Winkler

Councilmember absent:

Wes Lester

City employees present were Chief Drew, Attorney Green, Public Works Director McFrederick and Clerk Kennedy.


MINUTES:  The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the March 16th meeting were approved as presented by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.


Dick Haener explained there hasn’t been an alley in the last 40-50 years.  He’s in the process of selling the property and would like to clean it up.  Public Works Director McFrederick stated the property is surrounded by water/sewer so it’s available for the future.  There are no utilities on the property.  The alley is on plat but has never been used.  No comments were made by the public.  The hearing was closed at 7:34 p.m.  On motion by Councilman Winkler, second by Councilman Peterson to direct Attorney Green to draw up the ordinance to vacate the alley in Block 11, Schmadekas 5th.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of those present.

VISITORS:  Kristy Beckstead was not present; Chief Drew explained the request.  On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant to approve the revised banner request to be hung in April from April 13th – May 1st for Sexual Assault Awareness.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

Carla Wilkins with LCSC Outreach reviewed offerings here in Grangeville.  She is working with business to help them promote themselves and she’s trying to get some of their older computers donated to GEMS.  Carla requested permission to have a scuba diving class at the pool on July 11th and 12th.  She is requesting the City waive the pool rental fee and allow them to have the class at cost only, not to exceed $110.  On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant to allow LCSC Outreach to have scuba diving class July 11th and 12th, 5:15-7:15 pm and to waive the pool rental fee.  Motion carried.  LCSC will pay actual cost of lifeguards.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  The Planning and Zoning Minutes of March 24, 2015 were accepted on motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

The pad does not encroach on the actual sidewalk.  On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Winkler to approve the variance application submitted by Syringa Hospital to allow the concrete pad to be partially on City right of way.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.  Councilwoman Grant asked Public Works Director McFrederick to watch it as it goes together.

On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant to accept the Fire Department Minutes for March 2nd, 9th and 23rd, 2015.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

CATERING PERMIT:  On motion by Councilwoman Grant, second by Councilman Peterson to approve the catering permit for The Gallery Bistro on May 1, 2015 from 5pm-7pm at the Bicentennial Historical Museum for the Central Idaho Art Association.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

BORDER DAYS BEER LICENSE AND BEER GARDEN:  On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Winkler to approve the beer license for Grangeville Country Club at the Rodeo Grounds for Border Days and for the beer garden application as submitted  by Grangeville Border Days Rodeo for July 3rd, 4th and 5th from 10:00 am – 12:00 am.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

PROCLAMATION:  Mayor Walker Proclaimed May 2-9, 2015 Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

SURPLUS:  Public Works Director McFrederick advertised for bids in the paper for the generator with transfer switch and the auger monster but didn’t receive any bids.  The generator hasn’t been used for 15 years and the City of Riggins only showed slight interest in the auger monster.  He would like to get permission to sell it for less than $1000 or donate to another public entity as in Riggins case.  One idea was to sell for scrap.  On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilwoman Grant to sell the generator and augur monster for less than $1,000.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

BUDGET HEARING:  On motion by Councilman Lane, second by Councilman Peterson to set September 8, 2015 as the budget hearing for 2015-16.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

ANNEXATION REQUEST:  Morgan and Tammy Drew requested annexation of their property at the intersection of East South Madison and South Hall Streets.  They would like permission to hook up to water and sewer prior to the annexation being complete.  On motion by Councilwoman Grant, second by Councilman Peterson to allow the Drew’s to connect to water and sewer prior to the completion of the annexation process.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Bruce Walker – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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