November 2, 2015 Regular Meeting

Grangeville City Council Agenda
November 2, 2015 – 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers

Pledge of Allegiance

Read and/or approve minutes of the October 19th meeting



1. Melisa Bryant – Regional Animal Shelter discussion

2. Michele Gildner, Syringa Hospital Foundation – Invite to Festival of Trees activities

a. Donation request by Festival of Trees for family pool pass

Committee Reports:

1. Library Update – Becky

a. Accept Library Minutes – August 27, 2015 and October 29, 2015

b. Appoint Susan Anderson to the Library Board for a 5 year term, expiring 11/30/20

Unfinished Business:

1. Discussion on draft ordinance related to helicopters

New Business:

1. Resolution: Adoption of City Investment Policy – Tonya

2. Request by Kevin Snow and Floyd Lytle to have handicap ramp in the setback at 826 North
Hall Street – City Code 10-3-4B

3. Authorization to purchase work truck for Wastewater Treatment Plant – 2010 Chevy 1500
Extra cab, 54,179 miles, $19,602

4. Discussion on Gateway Islands landscaping and ITD’s response

5. Surplus the WWTP 1994 Chevy S10 (#7) upon newer WWTP truck purchase

6. Discuss a mandatory city employees “family” meeting – Shelley

Items to Note:

1. Remember to Vote * City Elections * November 3rd * Armory * 8am-8pm

Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.

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