November 21, 2011 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on November 21, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:
Del Houger
Mike Peterson
Brian Lorentz
Rob Bentley
Georgia DeHaas
Wes Lester

City employees present were Public Works Director Gortsema, Sgt. Beene, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.  Chief Quantz absent.

MINUTES:  The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the November 7th meeting were approved as presented by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Peterson.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

AGENDA AMENDMENTS:  On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Houger to amend the agenda to include the transfer of Padge’s Place beer and wine license to The Twisted Cellar and the request from the Nelson’s to plant trees in the right of way on 204 South Boulevard as the requests came in after the 48 hour posting requirement.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  The Snowhaven Minutes from November 3, 2011 were accepted on motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

WWTP:  Public Works Director Gortsema sent out the compliance letter on Friday.

BILLS:  The bills in the amount of $590,418.99 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

REQUEST FROM NATALIE NELSON TO PLANT SIX TREES IN THE RIGHT OF WAY:  Public Works Director Gortsema stated that back on 7/6/09 Mr. Munson requested to put the fence in the right of way which left 6’ for a future sidewalk and now the trees are in the area for the sidewalk.  The location doesn’t create a sight restriction; the only other issue is to keep them trimmed up for cars, sweeping, chip sealing etc.  Natalie Nelson explained that the trees are supposed to be 10’-20’ high. They are already 15’ high.  They are really there to block Main Street and the unsightly house.  If a sidewalk would be required, then they would remove the trees.  The trees have no fruit, so they are not messy.  The species of tree is allowed in City Code.

On motion by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Lester to allow Natalie Nelson to keep the trees in the right of way, with an agreement that states if a sidewalk is necessary or required then the trees or fence will be removed to install the sidewalk.   Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson for the City to allow the transfer of Padge’s Place beer and wine license to The Twisted Cellar pending state approval.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

ELECTION RESULTS:  On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Lorentz to accept the canvassed election results provided by the County for the City Election held November 8, 2011 as shown below.

Councilmember – 4 year term
Daniel Gautney  170
Brian Lorentz  372
Michael B Peterson 371
Chuck Rogers   53
Edward Tibulski  48
Shelley Dumas  188

It is hereby declared that Brian Lorentz, Michael Peterson and Shelley Dumas were duly elected as Councilmembers for a four (4) year term.

SURPLUS DEVIATION:  Clerk Kennedy explained the surplus deviation as requested by Chief Quantz.  The 2008 Chevy Impala was already declared surplus; however Chief Quantz would like to be able to advertise the vehicle in law enforcement circles only so he doesn’t have to have the police equipment removed as it’s more valuable selling the vehicle intact.  On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Lorentz to allow Chief Quantz to deviate from the City’s surplus policy and advertise the 2008 Chevy Impala in law enforcement circles.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

LOADER SNOW BLADE:  Councilman Lester made a motion, second by Councilman Peterson to authorize Public Works to purchase the budgeted snow blade for the loader when they receive all the bids.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

FESTIVAL OF TREES DONATION:  Councilman Lorentz made a motion second by Councilman Lester to donate a family pool pass to Festival of Trees for their auction.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

SEWER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT:  Public Works Director stated this request includes everything except the retainage on the project.  On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson to approve Big Bite pay Request #2 in the amount of $51,173.77.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

Change Order #2 is the closeout quantities and it a negative change order for all the inventories, included in the pay request above.  On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman  Lester to approve Change Order #2 for Big Bite.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

BLOCK GRANT:  Councilman Lester made a motion second by Councilwoman DeHaas to approve payment to Walter M. Steed and Associates in the amount of $4,475.00 pending receipt of funds from the Department of Commerce.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

IDAHO COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST:  Commissioner Skip Brandt sent a letter about the Idaho Community Forest Trust concerning the decrease in income from Forest Funds.  The City is in support of their efforts.

Commissioner Rockwell is forming a 13 member task force for discussion on the land exchange and would like a representative from the City to be on the committee.  Mayor Walker will appoint someone at a later date.

ITEMS TO NOTE:  The Council received copies of the Idaho Community Tree Brochure.

The open house for Ken Gortsema’s retirement is November 30, 2011, 4:00 – 6:00 pm at City Hall.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.


Bruce Walker – Mayor


Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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