The City Council met in regular session on June 4, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Walker presided:
Councilmembers present:
Del Houger
Mike Peterson
Brian Lorentz
Shelley Dumas
Rob Bentley
Councilmember absent:
Wes Lester
City employees present were Public Works Director McFrederick, Chief Drew, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.
MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the May 21st meeting were approved as presented by Councilman Houger, second by Councilman Peterson. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
VISITORS: JoAnne Smith was not present but the request was the same as previous years. On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Bentley to allow Syringa Hospital Foundation to close Main Street for the Fun Run on July 4th from 8am-10am. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Jeff Kutner explained that a CEDA representative is very important. It was noted Mayor Walker will be the City representative
Jeff Kutner explained his beer garden request for the Ride Idaho Event. The Chamber wants to show them a good time in Grangeville. Jeff asked permission to use the entire Lion’s Park as the beer garden for the event. They will serve only Ride Idaho members that have a wrist band and beer and wine would be served in plastic cups from 4pm-9pm. Chief Drew attended the planning meeting and for this event only did not have an issue using the Lions Park as the beer garden.
On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Bentley to suspend the beer garden ordinance for August 8th from 4pm-9pm for the Ride Idaho Event. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Melisa Bryant was present inviting the Council to the Warbird Weekend on July 14, 2012 from 10am-2pm to promote the Idaho County Airport. They are hoping it will be very positive for Grangeville and she invited everyone to attend.
Although Candi Brown with Idaho Forest Group did not attend, Clerk Kennedy relayed the request of renting the pool for their company dinner. On motion by Councilman Houger, second by Councilman Lorentz to allow Idaho Forest Group for one specific date this summer to rent the pool and to allow the catering trailer to park on the street and to work with the City Clerk to coordinate the event. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Cathy Wassmuth requested permission to use Heritage Square on July 21, 2012 for a 3 on 3 basketball tourney. It was requested to close South State Street and use it for food vendors. They would set up Friday night and then the event would be 8:00am – 1:30p.m. On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to allow the Horizon’s Committee to use Heritage Square on July 21st from 8am-2pm, to close South State Street between Main and South 1st for the same period and set up the night before. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Chuck Rogers requested permission for a catering permit and band on July 3rd. The first band starts at 2pm and the last band ends around midnight. Mayor Walker asked that the band be over by 12:30 am. On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to approve the catering permit for the Triangle Tavern on July 3, 2012 from 10am-2:30 am. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Grangeville Forest Service Retention Committee, represented by Councilwoman Dumas explained they would like to try a legal tactic if there is something to appeal and they would like to be able to use Attorney Green to pursue legal avenues. Mayor Walker stated that Mike Hanna and Scott Carlton stopped by to visit with him today. They are going to look into a few things. They think there may be a possibility of an appeal if the decision is part of the Forest Service Plan. The Forest Service has options available in Grangeville, such as purchase of the old building, renovate and own it which would be way less than their proposal. The City would need to know what could be appealed prior to allowing Attorney Green to work on it.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Jeff McFrederick stated the foundation is prepped and ready to go and rebar is being laid at the WWTP.
The department had 38 cases written, 13 citations, 7 written warnings, 122 calls for service, 8 dogs and 4 cats handled. The Police and Animal Control Report for May 2012 was accepted on motion by Councilman Peterson second by Councilman Bentley. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
FOOTHILLS INC. AND WATER RIGHT LEASE: Attorney Green stated the City has water rights for spring and surface water on the South side of town. The City leases the water system to Foothills Inc. The pipes are old wooden pipes and the group fights over who gets water or not. Recently the pipes are so corroded they have been causing damage to the roads. Grangeville Highway District wants to remove the pipes from Crooks Street so no additional damage to the road occurs. Attorney Green’s opinion is that the City only owns the rights to the water and not the equipment. At this time no action is necessary.
BEER GARDEN FOR BORDER DAYS: On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Houger to approve the Grangeville Border Days Beer Garden request for June 30th – July 4th at the Rodeo Grounds. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
CHIP SEAL: Public Works Director McFrederick explained that retainage from last year’s project of $6,903 was paid out of the current budget, which shorts him that amount for the current chip seal project. He has $28,359 left in snow money and would like to use $6,903 for the chip seal budget. On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Houger to allow the street department to use $6,903 of snow money for the chip seal project. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
The City received three bids for the 2012 Chip Seal project: Herco $159,000, Knife River $156,000 and Poe $147,750. Public Works Director McFrederick recommended Poe as the low bid.
On motion by Councilman Houger, second by Councilman Bentley to accept chip seal bid by Poe Asphalt with a bid of $1.97/square yard. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Bruce Walker – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk