February 12, 2018 Fire Training Minutes

Training meeting Monday, February 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 19:00
· Fireman gathered for a picture by the Free Press for the “Get Acquainted” edition published by the paper.
· Bob ask firemen to hang up posters and maps after meeting. He reminded firemen again, to pick up after yourself, water bottles, wet gloves and turnouts. If you come upstairs and try on turnouts hang them back up.”
· We are trying to tidy the place up. Any broken furniture throw them away, if the printers downstairs are not working get rid of them. Keep the place clean.
· Bob said don’t call him for little things that you can solve yourself: trucks not plugged in, plug them in, get license plate number if someone cuts you off nothing we can do if you don’t get a license.
· Kerry took names of people without badges and name plates. John S will work on badges Kerry will work on getting name plates.
· Bob said that he was happy with the results of the fire on Saturday. Good communication to locate the fire, he said that he thought the response time was fast and because of that we were able to get a good jump on the fire and keep the damage to a minimum. Dean and Mike said to check the position of the trucks DO NOT park underneath power lines. Response time for Avista was over 30 minutes.
· Bob thanked Beth for getting the shirts and hats, firemen will pick them up as they leave. Bob said that shirts are for dress situations only. Everyone needs to find a black tie to wear with the shirts.
· The McCulley’s donated a used refrigerator to the department. Bob suggested that because the departments old refrigerator is not city property the department sell it.
· John S showed a video of anhydrous ammonia. With the upcoming planting season Bob wanted to remind the department of the hazards of anhydrous ammonia and remind the fireman the best way to stay safe. Firemen discussed the emergency protocol for the department. Bob will talk to Jerry Zumalt and get him thinking about the city’s response in an anhydrous ammonia accident.
· John S also showed a video of a structure fire. John stopped the video several times so the firemen could discuss attack ideas and best practices.
· Bob dismissed firemen to hang up posters and maps upstairs. Also ask fireman to put turnouts away, check oil and gas in saws and generators, and check vehicles for fluids.
· Meeting was adjourned at 20:45
Minutes taken by Kerry McCulley Secretary
Approved by Fire Chief Bob Mager _________________________________

Bob Mager 541, John Sangster 542, Tommy Jacobs 543, Brian Perry 545.

Bob Mager Dan Modrell  Mark Decaria
Mike Tackett Brian Perry John Urbhan
John Sangster Andrew Lane
John Cline Kerry McCulley
Rick Cochran Jared Andrews
Beth Boehmke Todd McGeorge
Matthew Seaver Matt Parr
 Tom Jacobs  Dean Peebler
 Zach Stewart  Brandon Swanstrom
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