October 1, 2018 Regular Meeting

Grangeville City Council Agenda
October 1, 2018 – 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers

Pledge of Allegiance

Read and/or approve minutes of the September 17th meeting ACTION ITEM

Final action cannot be taken on an item added to the agenda after the start of the meeting unless an emergency is declared that requires action at the meeting. The declaration and justification must be approved by motion of the Council.


Committee Reports:

1. Public Works Report – Bob

2. Accept Pioneer Park Band Shell Committee Minutes 9/7/18 ACTION ITEM

3. Accept the Library Minutes of 9/20/18 ACTION ITEM

Unfinished Business:

1. Pioneer Park Project Update

New Business:

1. PW Recommendation on the indefinite sidewalk waiver request for Adam Linabary, 734 West

2. Discussion to sell the D8 dozer to the highest bidder since no bids were received ACTION

3. Adopt the Ordinance to remove fees from existing ordinances and adopt the Master Fee

4. Adopt the Ordinance creating a WWTP capacity fee dumping fee ACTION ITEM

5. Approve Kid’s Klub Pay Request #6 for $11,250 ACTION ITEM

6. Declare City Hall computers and server surplus ACTION ITEM

7. Spillman update and contract pricing ACTION ITEM

8. Approve the Ricoh contract for a copier at the library

Items to Note:

Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.

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