June 3, 2019 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on June 3, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Lester presided

Councilmembers present:
Mike Peterson
Beryl Grant
Pete Lane
Dylan Canaday
Amy Farris
Scott Winkler

City employees present were Chief Drew, Attorney Green, Public Works Director Mager and City Administrator Kennedy.


MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of May 20th and June 1st were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, seconded by Councilor Canaday. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS: Brad Watson, David Watkins, Colt Shelton with J-U-B were present to discuss the Water Master Plan. There is a draft of the capital improvement plan which explains how the City plans out over 20 years. The second half is the rate analysis. David explained he has four alternatives that allow for cash funding and/or bonding. David explained he would show the Council options and then they will finalize their choices based upon discussion and input.

Monthly water rates cover operation and maintenance and capital improvement plans. Equity buy in rates will be determined after the monthly rates are set. Over the last year, a list of capital improvement plan items was listed out, then grouped and ranked by how critical they are.

Brad Watson stated the options David will review show a range of options. The total for improvement is about $11 million. They kept the existing rate schedule, 0 population growth over 20 years and an inflation rate of 3% per year for operation and maintenance (O&M). The bond options are figured at 3% and assumes no grants. If cash funded, it is assumed the base rate and volume rate will both go up 50%.

• Do nothing – The City could choose to do the rate increase to keep up with O&M and capital investments. There are risks if that happens. The current system doesn’t meet all DEQ requirements for a public water system.
• Alternative 1- Year 1-10: 180% increase on average account year 1, increase capital contribution to $2,000,000 and then (-20%) annual decrease in capital contribution. Year 11-20: (-5%) annual decrease in capital contribution.
• Alternative 2 – Year 1-10: 60% increase on average account year 1, increase capital contribution to $300,000 and 12% annual increase in capital contribution. Year 11-20:
(-40%) annual decrease in capital contribution.
• Alternative 3 – Year 1-20: 50% increase on average account year 1, increases capital contribution to $200,000 and 6% annual increase capital contribution.
• Alternative 4 – Year 1-10: 40% increase on average account year 1, increases capital contribution to $80,000 and 5% annual increase in capital contribution. Year 11-20: Bond for high zone extension projects and 8% annual increase in capital contribution.

Public Works Director Mager felt the City should complete the sewer study too and then look at getting water and sewer done together and bond it as a total project, rather than try to get approval for the projects individually. Councilor Farris felt getting hit once would be better. David will update the information and the Council can discuss the alternatives.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Works Report – Public Works Director Mager stated they mowed a lot of grass, PRVs were installed and sewer work competed, along with some patching. They will be working on street painting and pool work. At the Gateway Entrance the bushes were removed, weed spraying is taking place and pea gravel will be installed.

HERITAGE SQUARE REQUEST: Jody Hoogland had a request to use Heritage Square on September 7, 2019 for the Outdoor Quilt Walk. On motion by Councilor Grant, second by Councilor Farris to allow the use of Heritage Square on September 7, 2019 for the Outdoor Quilt Walk. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

MAYOR/COUNCIL SALARIES: Mayor Lester felt the Mayor/Council salaries need to be reviewed. They were last updated in 1997. He recommended the meetings pay increase from $35/meeting to $50/meeting. A survey was recently completed by AIC on Mayor/Council salaries. Everyone should review the information and it will be discussed at the next meeting.

WATERSHED TOUR: The Watershed Tour held June 1st was a great informational meeting with Northwest Management Inc.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Wes Lester – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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