July 15, 2019 Regular Meeting

City Council met in regular session on July 15, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Lester presided:

Councilmembers present:
Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane
Beryl Grant
Amy Farris
Dylan Canaday

City employees present were Chief Drew, Public Works Director Mager, Attorney Green and City Administrator Kennedy.


MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the Council minutes of July 1st were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Winkler. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS: Grangeville Highway District Daryl Mullinex and HMH Engineering Jim Roletto and Shawn Metts were present to discuss the concerns voiced by the City on the multi-use path proposal and to ask for the City’s support of their project.

It was explained the City would not maintain the path; it would be taken care of by the highway district. The can close the path if they need to; if there is too much snow or an issue or they don’t want to maintain. They don’t have a problem with different approaches with roads and such as pedestrians always yield. The most difficult is complying with for future developments. If it is on City right of way there can be an agreement with the highway district to maintain it. They are reaching out for the City’s support and think it would allow the application to score higher for funding. HMH stated there is maintenance and it requires a commitment to keep it maintained. Daryl explained the old dump road was a county road in the 1800s. They highway district would take care of maintenance. It would be outside city limits or at least in state right of way. The path would be cleaned up by volunteers, just like they clean up the highways.

Councilor Peterson asked what the surface would be? It will be asphalt pavement. Councilor Grant asked if it would be fenced? No. Mullinex explained they don’t have right of way anywhere else, so they can’t address another location. It is a 1.8-mile loop and a rough construction cost estimate is $500,000. The slow will meet ADA requirements. On parking, they still need to meet with the school, to see if an agreement for parking lot use could be made. HMH explained they would need to do an Environmental study to make sure you aren’t in a wetland or other small issues. The path would be a low environmental impact. Mayor Lester asked how far you dig down on a profile? They dig maybe 9” or 10”. Councilor Lane asked how far would the path be off the highway? Daryl stated it’s a 10’ path, so it will be pushed as close to the end of the row/fence as possible. City Administrator Kennedy asked how future maintenance will be paid for. Daryl stated it will come out of highway district funds. They’d like a response within a month so it can be submitted with the application.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Grant, to accept the Fire Training Minutes of June 10 and 24, 2019. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

POLICE AND ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT: The department had 146 calls for service, 34 cases written, 44 citations, and 0 written warnings for May 2019. The department had 129 calls for service, 36 cases written, 53 citations, and 0 written warnings for June 2019. The new vehicle arrived and EMS did an excellent job outfitting it. Interviews for police candidates will be July 31st. Councilor Lane saw in the paper that Idaho County crime is up, including drugs, and asked if that is also the City. Chief Drew responded yes, it is up but not a huge amount and yes there is still and has been a drug problem.

WATER MASTER PLAN: David Watkins with JUB was present to answer questions. The proposed 4.88% increase would replace the 3% the City currently does. Watkins explained you can update the plan if something changes and you need a new alternative. On motion by Councilor Grant, second by Councilor Peterson to include alternative 3a in the water master plan.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

Mayor Lester asked about purple irrigation pipe and asked of JUB could provide an estimate on an install price for future projects.

BILLS: The bills, in the amount of $233,224.89 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

WATERSHED LOGGING: Matt Enberg, Northwest Management stated there is approximately 75 acres in stand 3. It adjoined where we worked last winter. It is sanitation and salvage of dead and dying, a little thinning and it will continue to make the forest healthy. Jesse Geis will be the logger. Stand 3 will probably have two more projects in upcoming years.

On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Peterson to approve the Northwest Management contact on the watershed. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Peterson to approve the logging contract with JG Logging. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

MAYOR AND COUNCIL SALARIES: Mayor Lester stated the Council need to secede how they wanted the health insurance benefit to read in the ordinance. Councilor Grant for the health benefits should be covered at 100% for the mayor and council. Mayor Lester, Grant and Lane felt the elected officials should be kept out of the buy down program.


(Ordinance No. 934 in its entirety on file in the City’s Ordinance File)


On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Grant that the first reading be approved, that the rules be suspended, the second and third readings be waived and the ordinance be approved and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Grant, Peterson. NO: Lane. The motion passed. Mayor Lester then declared Ordinance No. 934 duly approved and adopted.

The meeting adjourned at 7:04 P.M.

Wes Lester – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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