November 11, 2019 Fire Training Minutes

Training meeting Monday November 11, 2019

Bob called the meeting to order at 19:02

· Minutes read
· Bob said that the person who fits firemen for bunkers will be at the station Wednesday Kerry will send out a text with the time.
· We will start to decorate the Santa Truck tonight. Andrew stated that Bill Vetter from Ace Hardware and Camas Prairie Eye Clinic donated lights for the Santa Truck this year.
· Dan informed firemen that the Fulton home is occupied.
· The Firemen recognized Veteran Dan Modrell.
· Jared gave an update on the raffle. Money will be used to buy gifts for low income families in the area. Jared will set up dates for going to stores to sell tickets.
· Bob said that the wells have met all testing and sampling and hopefully will be up and running Wednesday.
· Bob turned the bi annual business meeting over to President Andrew Lane. Andrew called the business meeting to order at 1923.
· Andrew recognized John S and told him how much he was appreciated his time served as 542, All firemen gave John a robust round of applause.
Brian was elected as 542.
Jared was elected to 543.
Andrew was reelected as President.
Beth was elected as Treasurer.
Kerry was reelected as Secretary.
Beth read financial report.
Andrew ask for any other business.
· Andrew closed the meeting at 1948.
· Bob gave a shout out and a thank you to John S, Tommy and John C for their service in their past capacity to the dept. He said it was an honor to serve beside all of you. He said he was thankful they were all staying with the dept.
· Andrew ask if we need any more recruits. Bob said we have plenty of firemen at this time, but if someone comes along that has skills he would consider bringing them onboard.
· Firemen were dismissed to drive to storage unit to decorate Santa Truck.
· Meeting adjourned at 20:42
Minutes taken by Kerry McCulley

Approved by Fire Chief Bob Mager _________________________________
Bob Mager 541, Brian Perry 542, Jared Andrews 543.

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