May 30, 2019 Special Board Meeting

Grangeville Centennial Library Special Board Meeting
May 30, 2019

Meeting was called to order by Meleah McCulley at 5:09 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Susan Anderson, Betty Nafziger, Gina Sobrero, Heidi Brown, Danielle Reynolds, and Michael Peterson. Absent: Brennan Wright.

No amendments were made to the agenda.

Approve March 21, 2019 Board minutes ACTION ITEM
Betty moved and Danielle seconded to approve the board minutes from March 21, 2019. Motion passed.

Budget Report
Gina had shared the most recent budget report with board members prior to the meeting. Approximately 55% of the budget has been spent to date, which is reasonable for this time of year. No questions were raised on any items.

Library Report
Gina also shared the circulation statistics. Patron use has gone up since school finished. Summer reading program has started. Sixty-six children came to the park yesterday for the activity. Heidi is working on getting more sign-ups for Art in the Park with some new vendors.

Old Business
There was no discussion on creating a library district.

New Business
• Future Library Board meeting dates for 2020 ACTION ITEM. Danielle moved and Betty seconded a motion to adopt the following dates. Motion passed.
• January 16, 2020 5 PM
• March 15, 2020 5 PM
• May 21, 2020 5 PM
• July 16, 2020 5 PM
• September 17, 2020 5 PM
• November 19, 2020 5 PM
• Reviewed and recommended proposed 2019-20 budget ACTION ITEM. Daniel moved and Betty seconded a motion to recommend the proposed 2019-20 budget. Motion passed.
• Visitor, Emily Sitz from the Idaho Commission of Libraries came to discuss strategic planning.
• She shared two models for conducting strategic planning: the Planning Cycle, a cyclical and continuous model, and the Harwood model which is partnered with the ALA. She also told the Board that the USDA offers facilities grants that might help facilitate a joint-use facility if that was what studies indicated is needed in the community. The discussion focused on studying the strengths and weaknesses of our current library configuration as well as opportunities and threats toward improvements. Members of the Board agreed to review the two strategic planning models and return to the July meeting with the intent to discuss an internal audit. The members expressed appreciation for the information from Emily and her willingness to give of her time in helping the library make improvements.

The next meeting will be July 18, 2019, at 5 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

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