November 21, 2019 Board Meeting

Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room-215 W North St.
November 21, 2019 – 5:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order by Meleah McCulley at 5:05 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Brennan Wright, Susan Anderson, Betty Nafziger, Gina Sobrero, Heidi Brown, and Michael Peterson. Absent: Danielle Reynolds.

Minutes: Betty moved to approve September 19, 2019 Board minutes, seconded by Brennan. Motion passed.

Budget Report: Art in the park raised about $1000. Gina expects a larger group of vendors for next year’s art in the park. The 3-D printer has a part that needs replacing.

Library Report:

10/22 Went to training in Lewiston called “Datapalooza” where they learned about reports are due soon.

10/24- Paula Coomer- Somebody should of Scolded the Girl book discussion and signing

10/30- Catalog training @ Lewiston Library

10/31- Story time will be hosting a Halloween Party.  Games, paint a pumpkin, and decorate a cookie.  Staff will be in costume!

11/7- GCF Grant Dinner- Library will receive $750 for Summer Reading Program STEM

11/13- Family Read Week begins- Adventure Awaits!

11/14- GEMS Family Read Week

11/19- Valnet circulation and catalog meeting @ Genesee Library

Starting the planning for Summer Reading program

Family Read Week was last week—137 participants on November 13th.  We had pizza, cookies, games, crafts, and a puppet show.  Kids were able to make buttons, bracelets, binoculars, and coloring activities. The Wizard of Oz puppet show was presented by Annie and Carli Strasser, Maggie and Sam Matthews, and Ezra and Stella Stone.   Children had the opportunity to win prizes by participating in the numerous activities and being present.   Family Read Week is time for families to be together!

Old Business

  1. Discussion on creating a library district. No discussion.
  2. Planning steps for 5-year Strategic Plan. No discussion. 

New Business      

  1. Update Trustee Manual/Library Collection Policies. It is the board’s responsibility to update the Trustee’s manual. Susan made a motion that Meleah will contact Emily Sitz to determine what items are required in the Trustee Manual and Betty seconded. Motion passed.
  2. The subcommittee discussed possible questions for a survey. Meleah made a motion that Heidi finalize the survey with the four questions discussed to begin the survey in January and Brennan seconded. Motion carried.

Susan made a motion that Brennan speak to Kathy Ackerman to discuss the possibility of running a proposed ballot initiative at next November elections and Betty seconded. The motion passed.

  1. Approve Brennan Wright Board Term. Meleah made a motion that Brennan’s term be extended for another three years, and Betty seconded. The motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:16 PM. 

Next meeting is January 16 at 5 PM.  

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