April 19, 2021 Regular Meeting

Grangeville City Council Agenda
April 19, 2021 – 6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers

Read and/or approve minutes of the April 5th ACTION ITEM

Final action cannot be taken on an item added to the agenda after the start of the meeting unless an emergency is declared that requires action at the meeting. The declaration and justification must be approved by motion of the Council.


Committee Reports:

1. Open Meeting Law Refresher – Adam

2. Public Works Report – Bob

3. Police Report – Joe

4. Accept Fire Minutes from March 8th and 22nd, 2021 ACTION ITEM

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

1. Discussion on the de-annexation request and the possible adoption of the de-annexation ordinance on property owned by Raj Chahal on the southwest side of the City ACTION ITEM

2. Approve the transfer of the liquor license from CandT LLC d/b/a Seasons Restaurant to The Rib Guy and Gal LLC d/b/a The Rib Guy and Gal ACTION ITEM

3. Approve the beer and wine license for CandT LLC d/b/a Seasons Restaurant ACTION ITEM

4. Authorize signing of the J-U-B Engineer Agreement for professional services ACTION ITEM

5. Create a grant administrator selection committee ACTION ITEM

6. Discussion on the whether to open the budget to work on the design of the water tank using investment funds ACTION ITEM

7. Sidewalk waiver recommendation from public works on Florence and E North 4th for Aminta Bruzas, 418 N Florence ACTION ITEM

Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.

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