May 24, 2021 Fire Training Minutes

Training meeting Monday May 24, 2021

  • Meeting started at 1800pm.
  • Meeting started with Brian turning meeting over to Andrew for wildland training. Andrew reminded the firemen about LCES Lookout, Communication, Escape, Safety.
  • Now that we have radios in every truck take a radio with when you leave the truck/engine to stay in communication with the IC.
  • He also reminded everyone about Anchor, Flank, Pinch.
  • Best case AFP scenario, driver drives in the black, firemen with the hose douses hot spots and another fireman would use whacker, shovel or wet burlap sack to mop up.
  • Everyone in the truck needs to be on the lookout for gullies, big rocks and other hazards in the field.
  • Graydon discussed logistic of wildland firefighting, and using the best repeater for effective communication.
  • Graydon discussed wildland tools and reminded everyone of the yellow bags on the tucks and what is in them. Firemen were dismissed to downstairs to look at rural engine #2. Andrew pointed out what hoses to use and where certain equipment is being stored on the engine.
  • Meeting adjourned at 1930
  • Minutes taken by Kerry McCulley
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