Planning and Zoning Agenda
September 28, 2021
5:30 P.M.
1. Read and/or approve August 24, 2021 minutes ACTION ITEM
2. Public Hearings: During the Public Hearings, the following format will be used. For those wishing to speak, please sign in on the appropriate Sign Up Sheet.
• Applicant Presentation
• Staff Presentation
• Written Correspondence
• Supporters of the Application
• Neutrals of the Application
• Opponents of the Application Present and Abut
• Applicant Rebuttal
• Hearing closed
• Discussion and Recommendation by the Commission
Planning and Zoning shall make its findings of fact and recommendations to the City Council.
Public Hearing #1: Raj Chahal, 9 acres west of South E Street, between that area of where Court Street would extend to the west and Highway 95 – request for a variance to the subdivision code to allow him to split the commercial property into 2 lots to sell ACTION ITEM
3. Unfinished Business
a. Explain how vendors without buildings operating in the City limits is a Council discussion item instead of P&Z
b. Discuss conditional uses and home businesses in residential areas
4. New Business
5. Adjourn
Regular Meeting Date: the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.