Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room-215 W North St.
November 18, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Meleah McCulley at 5:05 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Betty Nafziger, Carmen Sangster, Susan Anderson, Gina Sobrero, Heidi Brown, and Bridget Arnzen. Absent: Brennan Wright and Dylan Canaday.
Minutes: Carmen moved and Betty seconded to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2021 meeting. Motion passed.
Budget report: Heidi shared the report of expenditures for October and revenue through September. The final corrected report for the last fiscal year should be available in January.
Library report: Family Read Week was November 8th-14th with 118 served at the November 10th evening program. Story Walk is ongoing until November 30th, with the stories Sparkella and How to Catch a Turkey displayed in 18-19 businesses around town. The walk starts at the library where patrons pick up a map to follow. On December 8th, there will be an after school ornament craft activity for kids. Let’s Talk About It will be back this year starting with Less on January 11th, The Girl Who Fell From the Sky on February 8th, and Empire Falls on March 8th. All discussions will be held at the Trails restaurant. Heidi and Gina are taking a 6-week coding class and will receive a Kibo robot when they complete the course.
Old Business
1. Updating Constitution and By-Laws: updated revisions were discussed and shared. Betty moved to approve the updated constitution with a second from Carmen. The motion was approved.
New Business
1. Election of Board Officers: Pending discussion with an absent board member, a recommended slate of officers will be presented in January.
2. Strategic Planning: The Strategic Plan was discussed, but no action was taken. Board members should review and bring suggestions to the January meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.