September 15, 2022 Board Meeting

Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room-215 W North St.
September 15, 2022- 5:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order by Brennan at 5:02 PM. Those present: President Brennan Wright, Secretary Meleah McCulley, Bridget Arnzen, Stacy Stone, and Gina Sobrero. Absent: Betty Nafziger, Heidi Brown, and Dylan Canady. Carmen Sangster has moved.

Minutes: Bridget moved and Meleah seconded to approve the board minutes from the last meeting held on July 21st. Motion passed.

Budget Report: Gina shared the report of expenditures for period ending August 2022 and revenue through July 2022. Gina and Heidi have been purchasing new books and supplies because it is the end of the budget cycle. The carpet replacement was approved by the city within the 22-23 budget.

Library Report:
Story time is back. Katie is still volunteering to lead this. Themes are set through the end of October: ducks, farm, fall, feeling sick, monsters, pumpkins, Halloween.
Family read week is set for November 9th, 4:00 – 7:00. Gina and Heidi are planning the crafts, prizes, and pizza.
My First Books will start October 6th. Volunteers read and do crafts with kindergartners at GEMS. All students get to take home the book, thanks to a grant co-sponsored by GCL and GEMS. The book this month is Charlie Cooks.
• Gina and Heidi are attending a catalog and circulation meeting at the Lewiston Library on Sept 20th.
• FoCL is sponsoring a Meet the Local Authors at Trails on Sept. 20th. Guest authors: Sue Tidwell and John Sangster.
• Gina and Heidi are starting to plan a Christmas crafts, story, and game night.

Old Business

1. Trustee Manual. Meleah explained the history of this project. Back in the summer of 2020, Carmen and Meleah had started the work of reorganizing GCL’s trustee manual, and Carmen was appointed the chair of this subcommittee. Meleah showed the work that Carmen had been doing to update the printed version of the manual. Progress is also being made to move the manual to a digital format as new documents are approved. Action to select a new chair for this subcommittee was deferred to next board meeting in November.

New Business

1. Gina explained: because Carmen moved to South Carolina with her family, the city approved Stacy Stone to fill Carmen’s position on the board rather than Meleah’s (see July’s minutes). This means that Meleah’s position is open again. Gina suggested Nancy Moser as a possible new board member. Motion was made by Meleah and seconded by Brennan to recommend Nancy Moser to the board. Motion passed. Pending the City’s final approval, Nancy may start a five-year term in January 2023.
2. Amendment to By-Laws. Due to conflicts on the third Thursday of May, and because of the timeline to complete the library’s annual budget for the city, we discussed possibilities to change the time of this regular meeting date as outlined in the By-Laws. Brennan moved to amend Article IV, Section IV of the By-Laws: (1) strike the word “April,” and (2) change the May meeting to the 2nd Thursday of June. Stacy seconded the motion. Motion passed. Meleah will update the By-Laws, sending copy to the city, Gina, the printed Trustee Manual, and the digital Trustee Manual.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:47 PM.


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