Training meeting Monday March 13, 2023
- Meeting called to order 1800
- 17 members in attendance – Mark Johnson in attendance
- Knife River will be working Lake Road through the summer
- Mostly one lane will be closed, both lanes will be closed at times
- Check with Chiefs for directions
- IR Camera Discussion and Demos
- Flir had pictures with side-by-side comparison though it does need a high heat to register high res (welcome to the matrix)
- Smaller Red has high res all the time, it is not ergonomic friendly, not really built for gloves and air packs. Does have a docking station
- Another option is the bigger Flir K33 with a 6” screen
- Next question is do we opt for 4 personals and 1 big or 8 personals
- OG Cameras still work, though they are big and heavy. Time to use newer tech.
- Early Bird is looking at having a fire alarm/smoke detector give away and would like to have GFD members with a truck on site during the giveaway – Will be on a Saturday – specific date TBD
- Upcoming Grant Opportunity
- GEMS Craft Fair – would we like a booth?
- After Action Review of Fire from March 2.
- PLOWS format with pictures from Idaho County Free Press
Meeting adjourned 2030
Minutes taken by Sadie Galloway
Approved by Fire Chief Brian Perry