Grangeville City Council Agenda
August 5, 2013 – 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Read and/or approve minutes of the July 15th meeting
1. Yosuke Kobayaski, Ambassador for Japan – Presentation for the Mayor
2. Glenn Poxleitner – Road rebuild by the Watershed with Idaho Forest Products
3. Dale McCormick – update on Clearwater Community Development Subdivision
Committee Reports:
1. Police and Animal Control Report – July 2013
2. Planning and Zoning Minutes – August 1, 2013
Unfinished Business:
1. Annexation discussion
New Business:
1. Adopt 2013-2014 Tentative Budget
2. Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, 318 South B, variance for a handicap ramp in setback
3. Award the 2013 Sewer Line Project portion of Phase 2 Project
4. Approve Walter M Steed and Associates pay request $2,700.00
5. Approve Phase I Final Pay Request and Release of Retainage for TML $215,213.69
Executive Session – 67-2345 (f) Pending Litigation
Items to Note:
1. 2013-14 Budget Hearing: September 3, 2013
2. 2013 Elections: Candidate Filing Period August 26 – September 6
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.