The City Council met in regular session on April 5, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Walker presided:
Councilmembers present:
Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Beryl Grant
Amy Farris
Wes Lester
Pete Lane
City employees present were Chief Drew, Public Works Director McFrederick, Clerk Kennedy and Attorney Green.
MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of March 21st were approved as presented by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lane. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
VISITORS: Dennis Duman introduced himself as an Idaho County Commissioner candidate. Councilman Peterson asked his opinion on the land swap. Dennis was not in favor.
Jeff Schwendener has been into mountain bike riding for a long time. He recently moved here and is interested in building a bike trail on the watershed corner. The trail would utilize the majority of the service roads already there and he would construct a directional trail for early and late in the season. It would take three months to construct. The construction would include limbing trees and the possible removal of trees if there was no way around. Councilman Lane asked who would do the work and what type of experience Jeff had. Jeff explained he would do the work, but he has no experience on building trails. He has been involved with construction his whole life. Most of the construction would be with hand tools. Mayor Walker asked if he had a group of interested people. At this time it would be a solo event. Jeff explained cell phones have apps where you could post the course for people to see; they would come use the trails and he thinks it would grow and bring people to the area. Mayor Walker explained the City’s management company would need to be involved with any changes on the watershed; there would also be liability concerns. At this time the City doesn’t give permission for use but doesn’t prohibit use either. Jeff is more than happy to meet with the company and use them as a consultant. Fish creek has trails to mountain bike on but he heard June is really the earliest. The trails would be between 3’-6’ wide and trimmed approximately 7’ tall from the ground. Councilman Peterson thought the trail might also be used for fire fighters and fire suppression. Councilman Lane was concerned about erosion control. Jeff explained he hasn’t designed trails but online there is a ton of research. The slope should be 8% of grade and there are calculations on draining and how to bank corners so everything drains correctly. The Council was open to further exploration. Mayor Walker asked the property committee made up of Councilmembers Grant, Farris and Peterson to meet with Jeff to get additional details and maybe go on site to consider the project. Tera with Northwest Management would be willing to meet with them too. Mayor Walker stated erosion, liability, maintenance, and multiple uses are items that need to be considered. Attorney Green felt the committee should make sure the insurance would cover the project if completed. Councilman Peterson will chair the committee.
SIDEWALK WAIVER: Western Meats requested an indefinite sidewalk waiver at 1016 North College. On motion by Councilman Winkler, second by Councilman Peterson to grant Western Meats, 1016 North College an indefinite sidewalk waiver. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: The Fire Department Minutes of March 8th, 14th and 28th, 2016 were accepted on motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lester. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
COMMUNITY PROJECTS IDEAS: Clerk Kennedy explained for the CEDA training she and Jordan are attending, it’s always good to have a project to work toward. Three ideas they have come up with are a bathroom at Heritage Square, bathroom and/or playground equipment at Soroptimist Park or expansion of the pavilion at Pioneer Park.
Councilwoman Grant noted the Chamber is working toward a Heritage Square project and they have been saving money. Councilman Lester felt bathrooms down town were a great idea. The Heritage Square committee originally wanted bathrooms and it was part of blue prints; however there was not enough money.
Mayor Walker explained Horizon’s is interested in adding on to the east side of the pavilion. It could be better used for the summer concerts, winter magic and others events. They are also interested in sidewalks at Pioneer Park.
Councilwoman Farris felt sidewalks around the park or to some of the picnic tables would be beneficial. At this time, the elderly can’t get to the majority of the picnic tables
These ideas and any new ones will be discussed at the next meeting.
BUDGET HEARING: On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson to set September 6, 2016 as the budget hearing for 2016-17. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
DONATION AMERICAN LA FRANCE FIRE TRUCK: There has been discussion among Border Days and the Fire Department about the 1972 American LaFrance fire truck that was declared surplus in May 2015, to be sold using Brindlee Mountain. The City has not received any bids. Due to the lack of bids, it was suggested to donate the truck to Border Days to use as a water truck to water the grounds for dust control and clean the stands. It could then be used for Border days, high school rodeo, Triple Bar, 4H and other community events at the grounds. In the past the fire department or a Primeland truck was used; however those options aren’t available any longer. If donated, Border Days would maintain the truck.
On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson instead of surplussing through Brindlee Mountain, the City will donate the 1972 American LaFrance fire truck to Border Days Association. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
LIBRARY INTERNET AGREEMENT: The Library has a new internet agreement with First Step Internet. Jan Wall with Idaho Commission for Libraries recommends not combining the Library agreement with the City agreement due to e-rate reimbursement complications. On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Winkler to accept the Library internet agreement with First Step Internet. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
ITEMS TO NOTE: Walco Tonnage Reports for 2014-15 year end and the 1st quarter of 2015-16 were received by the Council.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Bruce Walker – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk