August 15, 2016 Regular Meeting

City Council met in regular session on August 15, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:

Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane
Amy Farris

Councilmembers absent:

Wes Lester
Beryl Grant
City employees present were Public Works Director McFrederick, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy. Chief Drew absent.


SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Mayor Walker presented retired Fire Chief Dan Tackett with a plaque thanking him for his years of service. He was on the department 30 years; 15 of which as chief. He was an excellent chief and did an outstanding job for the City.

AGENDA AMENDMENT: On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lane to amend the agenda as the item came in after the agenda posting. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of August 1st were approved as presented by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Winkler. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS: Stephanie Berry with the Forest Service explained the Capital Christmas Tree will be traveling through Grangeville. It will be harvested from the McCall area and its first stop before continuing to Washington DC is Grangeville. The event will be held November 9th at the Senior Center from 1pm-3pm. Stephanie plans to have a small program starting at 2pm and asked if the Mayor would like to participate with a mayor’s address. The City can be involved more than just the mayor’s address if the City choses. There was a suggestion from the Council that the tree travel down Main Street while it’s here.

Andy McNab, Grangeville Country Club was present to request Webb funds to go toward the irrigation system for fairways 6 and 7 in the amount of $55,510. On motion by Councilman Winkler, second by Councilman Lane to give the golf course $55,510 of the Webb Funds. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: The department had 35 cases written, 13 citations, 2 written warnings and 142 calls for service for July 2016. The Police and Animal Control Report for July 2016 was accepted on motion by Councilman Peterson second by Councilman Lane. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

The Fire Department Minutes for July 11th and 25th, 2016 were accepted on motion by Councilman Peterson second by Councilman Winkler. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

ENVISIONWARE SOFTWARE FOR THE LIBRARY: Jamie Everson and Ellissa Crowl were present to request approval to purchase EnvisionWare software using existing funds from the current budget. This is not a budgeted expense. The new software would replace the existing time limit manager. The current system has not served the library well and Ellissa has been researching other options. Coeur d’Alene uses the system and it works very well. The system would cost $7,577 plus a $578 year fee which has technical support included. This system will track and collect print costs by not printing the items until paid. The library board approved the purchase. On motion by Councilman Winkler, second by Councilwoman Farris to allow the library to use excess funds to purchase EnvisionWare. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: The recreation committee met and has suggested rate increases. Clerk Kennedy reviewed the proposed changes which include increases in various rates and creating new aerobics class fees. Most increases are between 8%-11% and haven’t been adjusted in a quite a few years. The public hearing will be held September 6th.

BILLS: The bills in the amount of $344,249.68 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lane. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

SURPLUS: On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lane to surplus the 1977 fire department camp trailer. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

HANDICAP AUTHORIZATION: Dr. Nelson submitted a request to have the handicap parking spot at his office signed and painted as handicap. The Council did not want to have an ordinance, so this parking spot would be similar to the one at Sts. Peter and Paul activity center and it is not enforceable by the City. If there is a problem in the future they can come back to council. On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Winkler to sign and paint the handicap spot by Nelson’s Dentist office. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT: Clerk Kennedy explained the flexible spending account that will be offered through American Fidelity. The City has the option of covering the $3/employee/month administrative fee and purchasing the $14/employee/year risk coverage. Through the tax savings on the City side, it should not cost the City out of pocket. On motion by Councilman Peterson, second by Councilman Lane to pay the administrative fee per person and buy the risk coverage for the flexible spending account. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

The meeting adjourned at 8:01 P.M.

Bruce Walker – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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