August 23, 2022 Planning & Zoning Minutes

Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held August 23, 2022, 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Members present:
Mike Cook – Chairman
Kevin Asker – Vice Chair
Dan Gautney
Brian Perry
Yolanda Stout
Lee Spencer

Members absent: Graydon Galloway

City Staff: City Administrator Kennedy
Public Works Director Mager

The meeting was called to order by Mike Cook at 6:00 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Dan Gautney to approve the minutes of March 29, 2022 as presented. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARING #1: The public hearing was opened at 6:02 pm. Variance application submitted by Tanner Maynard, 318 Nez Perce Street to keep the 8’ addition recently added to an existing structure which encroaches 2’ into the required side yar setback.

APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Tanner Maynard stated he had an existing building on his lot. He added 8’ to it and framed in a door which gave him more room to store things. There are no overhangs that go to neighboring property so no rain or snow would end up on the neighbors. He’s a carpenter so it’s going to match and look good.

STAFF PRESENTATION: Public Works Director Mager stated there is no overhanging onto others property, no site restrictions and no city infrastructure infringement. He has no issues.

City Administrator Kennedy reported all notices of hearing were delivered and published as required.






DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: The public hearing closed at 6:05 pm. Kevin Asker said he drove by to see it. He stopped and looked and didn’t see a problem. Mike Cook asked Tanner if he just wanted to make it legal since it was already built. Tanner responded yes.

On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Dan Gautney to recommend to the City Council to approve the variance for Tanner Maynard, 318 Nez Perce Street. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARING #2: The public hearing was opened at 6:06 pm for the variance application submitted by Tyke and Margie Trogdon, 501 S Hall to build a new deck, partially covered, stairs in the setback of Hall and E South 3rd Streets and to cover more than 45% of the lot.

APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Tyke Trogdon explained they bought the family home during COVID. They are trying to improve the curb appeal and keep water away from corner of the house and sump pump. The enclosed front porch had sunk 6” into the ground, so they removed it all and then were working to extend the deck to make it look better.

STAFF PRESENTATION: Public Works Director Mager stated the house was already in the setback prior to any remodel, which made the deck in setback. This is a corner lot so he was concerned about the vision triangle. Mager measured everything and there is no obstruction in the vision triangle. He doesn’t see any issue with the project. There are no issues from a safety standpoint for pedestrians or vehicular traffic. The original front porch already encroached in the setback.

City Administrator Kennedy reported all notices of hearing were delivered and published as required. The variance would allow the owner to build a new deck, partially covered, in the setbacks of Hall and E South 3rd Streets and to cover more than 45% of the lot. The deck would encroach 1’ into the setback on E. South 3rd and 9’ into the setback on Hall, while the front porch encroaches 16’ into the setback on Hall. The front stairs are in the setback. The total project will cover 47% of the property which is 2% more than allowed.

WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: The City received two letters.
• Dennis and Sheila Tracy, 504 S Hall: They are in favor of the request and if needed due to setback, recommend stop signs on 3rd street.
• Mike and Shelley Eimers, 114 W South 3rd: They voiced their support of the variance and noted that although the new porch encroaches 16’, it is approximately 2’ inside of the previous porch.





DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: The public hearing closed at 6:15 pm. Mike Cook stated because there is no issue with the vision triangle, the suggestion by Dennis and Sheila Tracy for a stop sign is unnecessary. Mager stated that’s correct. Kevin Asker drove by to look at the project. The deck is framed in and you can see where it will exist. He doesn’t have a problem with the project. There are a bunch of old houses in Grangeville and this is one of the original ones. Brian Perry didn’t see any issues. They aren’t hurting anything and the original house was already encroaching in the setback.

On motion by Lee Spencer, second by Yolanda Stout to recommend to the City Council to approve the variance application submitted by Tyke and Margie Trogdon, 501 S Hall. Motion carried.

OTHER BUSINESS: Lee Spencer asked what could be done about those starting work without a permit. City Administrator Kennedy explained those that begin work without a permit have to still go through the building permit process and then the permit is a double fee. If the permit can’t be approved because it doesn’t meet code and the owner needs to go through a variance, then the project is at a standstill until the process is completed which takes 2-3 months. It was suggested to maybe put something in the paper or online to let people know building permits are required in the City limits.

Dan Gautney asked about RV Parks and why the application did not come to planning and zoning. Kennedy explained city code directs the RV Park process to the public works director for review, compliance with code and approval. If a waiver is asked for, city code states it goes to the Council.

Mike Cook asked if there is any upcoming business for the commission. Kennedy explained the Council is currently working to revise a section of code on animals, so when a proposed ordinance is drafted, the hearing will occur before the commission.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is September 27, 2022 at 6:00 pm.

Adjourned by Mike Cook at 6:25 p.m.

Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk

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