August 24, 2021 Planning & Zoning Minutes

Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held August 24, 2021, 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Members present:
Mike Cook – Chairman
Kevin Asker – Vice Chair
Dan Gautney
Brian Perry
Yolanda Stout
Graydon Galloway
Lee Spencer

City Staff: City Administrator Kennedy

The meeting was called to order by Mike Cook at 5:32 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Dan Gautney to approve the minutes of June 22, 2021 as presented. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARING #1 CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST: The public hearing was opened at 5:33 p.m. for the application submitted by Grangeville Church of the Nazarene for Cornerstone Christian Learning Center AT 515 W North 2nd Street.

APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Pete DeSantis, administrator for Cornerstone Learning Center stated the application is to allow for the previously approved classes to be in the existing church building and in the new building that will be built and inspected through the building permit processed. The previous application was done utilizing three of the church lots, and this new application is to include those and to add the two rear lots where the new building will be constructed. The majority of the parking lot will remain, and the kids will be dropped off and picked up in the parking lot. The Church will continue to use the parking lot too, so traffic is not disrupted on North A. They don’t want to take away playground space.

Graydon asked how many parking spots will be in the parking lot after construction. Pete replied there are about 32 currently and 26 will remain.

Dan asked the size of the new building. Pete replied it is 5,760 square feet and single story.

Mike asked how many more kids will be allowed. Pete stated the new building allows for 56 additional students. There are a maximum 100 kids based on playground space.

Kevin asked where there are in the building permit process and what type of fire access does the building have. Pete stated the plans were just approved by the state, although they are still waiting to hear back on the fire approval. For fire access, there is 10’ on the north side, street access on A, the parking lot of the south side and the playground on the east. Sprinklers are not required, however there will be an automatic alarm system.
Yolanda asked if they had an AED. Pete stated yes, they do and all staff are first aid and pediatric CPR trained.

Mike questioned if the number of staff would increase. Pete stated they plan to add a teacher for 7th and 8th when we get there. They will add staff as appropriate depending on what is necessary with the number of kids.

STAFF PRESENTATION: City Administrator Kennedy reported all notices of hearing were delivered and published as required. The building meets city code as far as setback and lot coverage. They are going through the conditional process currently because they are utilizing lots that were not originally included in the notices to everyone within 300’.

WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Phil and Charity Ruhnke responded they are fine with the application request.





The hearing was closed at 5:48 p. m.

DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Yolanda felt the application was pretty cut and dried. Kevin stated the church and presenter is well prepared every time they come and have all the answers to the questions.

Chairman Cook discussed findings of fact with the commission as discussed for conditional uses.

a. The conditional use does not unreasonable impact public health, general welfare or general interest in the community. None

b. The proposed conditional use of property or structures will be appropriately located with respect to transportation facilities, water supply, fire and police protection, waste disposal and other similar facilities which might be needed for the proposed use. All criteria is met.

c. The general neighborhood character and surrounding property values will not be unreasonably negatively impacted. No negative comments.

d. The proposed conditional use will not cause an undue traffic hazard or unreasonable parking problem in the use district in which the conditional use is proposed. By keeping the parking lot for school and church, don’t see an impact to the area.

e. There is no substantial community objection and the terms of section 10-10-3 of this chapter are incorporated herein as an additional condition to the granting of a conditional use. None

On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Yolanda Stout to recommend approval to the council to expand Cornerstone Learning Center from the existing Church of the Nazarene building to also include the new building to be built and located on the church property to the North. Motion carried.

VENDORS WITHOUT BUILDING OPERATION IN THE CITY LIMITS: Dan stated he wanted this on the agenda. He would like to have information for the next meeting to discuss. He thinks maybe there should be a permitting process with maybe a fee plus maybe a percent of sales that should go to the City.

Brian stated these vendors are competing with local businesses, but pay nothing in town, such as taxes or salaries. Kevin stated he runs the fireworks stand every year but he’s a proponent of businesses that don’t have brick and mortar should be paying to sell in Grangeville. Dan felt these vendors are competing with business in town but they don’t support the community. Brian stated the brick and mortar businesses pay property taxes and help the local community. Brian explained there are about five businesses in Grangeville that get a pawn/secondhand license in Grangeville as they are required. Cottonwood has city licenses and he felt from a business point of view, it still pays to have a license. Kevin felt maybe the license could be structured for licenses based on brick and mortar and then temporary licenses. Brian stated there are also businesses like carpet cleaning, electricians that come in from out of town – do they need a license? What do we want to consider? This could be discussed further at another meeting.

CONDITIONAL USE REVISION: Administrator Kennedy brought up discussion on how City Code is currently worded and whether certain type of home businesses should be excluded from the conditional use process. Someone working by phone or only by internet would not disrupt the neighborhood. It’s hard to determine where to start addressing businesses as there are many types. A copy of the City of Moscow’s revision was presented to the commission. This will be on a future agenda.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is September 28, 2021.

Adjourn by Mike Cook at 6:40 p.m.

Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk

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