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August 3, 2009 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on August 3, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:

Del Houger
Michael Peterson
Brian Lorentz
Georgia DeHaas
Linda Aiken

Councilmember absent:

Wes Lester

City employees present were Public Works Director Gortsema, Chief Sedam, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.

The meeting was called to order.

AGENDA AMENDMENT:  Clerk Kennedy had two proposed additional agenda items, with the requests needing action before the next meeting.  On motion by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Peterson to approve the two proposed items on the amended agenda.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

MINUTES:  The minutes of the July 20th regular meeting were approved as presented by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Houger.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS:  Joe Scheiss did not attend the meeting.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  Chief of Police Sedam summarized the monthly report, reporting that the department responded to 185 calls for service.  There were 123 cases written, 45 misdemeanor arrests, 1 felony arrest, 51 citations, 25 written warnings issued, 9 dogs and 2 cats handled.  The Police and Animal Control Report for July 2009 was accepted on motion by Councilman Loretnz, second by Councilwoman Aiken.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Houger to accept the Planning and Zoning Minutes of July 28, 2009.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

Councilman Houger made a motion, second by Councilwoman Aiken to accept the variance for Linda Fisher at 104 East South 9th Street as approved by Planning and Zoning.  Mayor Walker questioned whether it was a private sewer line and if Chris Wagner had any comments on the application.  Mr. Wagner did not attend the Commission meeting to voice any concerns.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

Councilman Peterson explained that the summer reading program is over and the program increased in size since the previous year.  Brittney Brooks was a wonderful addition to the library over the summer.  Councilwoman DeHaas made a motion second by Councilman Peterson to accept the Library Minutes of July 23, 2009.  Motion failed since there was no vote to come out of executive session.  The minutes will be revised and then resubmitted to the Council.

714 NORTH STATE:  Attorney Green explained that the owners have made good progress on cleaning up the property and they are working on building a fence to contain the larger items.  He felt they are making good progress and he didn’t feel it was necessary to sue.  It will continue to be monitored.

CATERING PERMIT:  On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to change the location for Friends of the NRA banquet catering permit from the Armory to the IOOF Hall on Cunningham.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VOLUNTEER AT PIONEER PARK PAVILION:  Kelley Bambacigno stopped by City Hall and volunteered to paint the ceiling at the pavilion if the City would buy the paint.  Public Works Director Gortsema wanted to recognize her donation to the City since she was so generous to paint it.  She had it completed for the 4th of July Celebration.

TRAFFIC ON NORTH D STREET BY EARLY BIRD SUPPLY:  Chief Sedam explained that he has reviewed again the traffic on North D Street by Early Bird Supply.  He felt the only option, if any, would be to have no parking on the east side and resident only on the west side.  After discussion, it was decided to wait and see if any further discussion occurs.

2009-10 TENTATIVE BUDGET:  Clerk Kennedy read the tentative budget for 2009-10.  On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to approve the 2009-10 Tentative Budget for the City of Grangeville.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Bruce Walker – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk