August 3, 2020 Regular Meeting

City Council met in regular session on August 3, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Lester presided:

Councilmembers present:
Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane
Beryl Grant
Amy Farris
Dylan Canaday

City employees present were City Administrator Kennedy, Public Works Director Mager and Attorney Green. Chief Drew absent.

MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the Council minutes of July 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Grant. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS: Michael Stevens was present to provide the Council with information on the community event Altar of Affection worship tent occurring on private property along Main Street. They will have Christian workshop through the week of August 8-16 where it will be open during the day to come in and pray and worship. On August 14-16 at 6pm there will be community gatherings where everyone is welcome. Masks and hand sanitizer are ordered, along with a porta potty to make it as safe as possible. Michael also stated he wants to get more involved with City Council and local politics so he may start attending some of the meetings.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane to accept the Planning and Zoning Minutes of July 28, 2020. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Farris to approve the conditional use request from RaWanda Goehring, 215 N Junction to operate a real estate business in a residential area. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane to accept the Library Minutes of July 16, 2020. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Farris to accept the Fire Minutes of June 8, 22 and 30, 2020. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

DISCUSSION ON SEWER DRAFT RATE ANALYSIS: David Watkins with JUB Engineers explained he took Alternative 3 and 4 and added an A ($500,000 in reserves) and B ($1,000,000 in reserves) option to each. Alternative 3 is the conservative option and alternative 4 is the best-case option if all funding is applied for and received. If the City wants to have $1,000,000 in reserves, they could adopt Alternative 3B and hope to get special funding and end up getting option 4B.

Councilman Lane asked if it was critical to have $1 million in reserves. Mayor Lester brought up the current fiscal year, where the City budgeted $260,000 from reserves for the band screen. He felt having extra funds allows you to do the necessary work and have matching funds for projects. Lester stated he understands sometimes looking at the budget it looks bad to raise rates and have a higher reserve. However he’s concerned if something happens, the City needs to have the ability to move forward. A prime example was in the water fund last summer when the two largest wells went down and had to be fixed.

On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Grant to pursue Alternative 3B and to apply for all funding possible to end up at 4B. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

SIDEWALK WAIVER: Public Works Director Mager explained a new house is being built by Jane Carlson on the vacant lot at South 3rd and South State. Mager stated it doesn’t make any sense to have a sidewalk on State Street as it would dead end in a culvert. On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Canaday to accept the sidewalk waiver recommendation from public works to waive the sidewalk on State Street but install a sidewalk on 3rd Street. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

TENATIVE BUDGET: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane to adopt the 2020-21 Tentative Budget. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

The meeting adjourned at 6:34 P.M.

Wes Lester – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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