Ordinance #879

The following ordinance was adopted at the October 15, 2012 Council Meeting. This ordinance was amended to allow Liquor by the drink to be sold on general and primary election days.   GRANGEVILLE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 879 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRANGEVILLE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 5-6B-12(C) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE […]

Pickup for Sale

Notice of Sale for City of GrangevilleSurplus Item 1993 Chevy ½ ton 4×4. Submit a sealed bid (minimum bid $1,500) to the City of Grangeville, 225 W North Street. Bids will be opened at 2:00 pm November 2, 2012 at City Hall. For questions please contact Jeff McFrederick 983-2851.

Tractor for Sale

NOTICE OF SALE FOR THE CITY OF GRANGEVILLESURPLUS ITEMS Posted October 18, 2012 The following items have been declared surplus property by the City of Grangeville. If interested in any of the items listed, please submit a sealed bid to City Hall. Sealed bids shall be received for a period of 7 days, but prior […]

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