Grangeville City Council Agenda
December 16, 2019 – 6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
Pledge of Allegiance
Read and/or approve minutes of the December 3rd meeting ACTION ITEM
Final action cannot be taken on an item added to the agenda after the start of the meeting unless an emergency is declared that requires action at the meeting. The declaration and justification must be approved by motion of the Council.
Committee Reports:
1. Police Report – November 2019
2. Public Works Report – Bob
3. Accept the Library Minutes from November 21, 2019 ACTION ITEM
a. Re-appoint Brennan Wright to the Library Board with a 5 year term to expire 12/31/2024 ACTION ITEM
4. Accept Fire Training Minutes of November 11 and 25, 2019 ACTION ITEM
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
1. Grant a variance to CenturyLink to allow underground right of way work to proceed during prohibited months at the discretion of Public Works Director Mager and the public works schedule ACTION ITEM
2. Accept the recommendation from Public Works to install a street light at South E and Court Street per request from Archie Tirado ACTION ITEM
3. Approve the purchase of a generator for Park Well in the amount of $49,301.64 ACTION ITEM
4. Discuss and approve donating the used bricks from Main Street sidewalks to be placed in the proposed band shell ACTION ITEM
5. Approve the applications submitted by the following business for pawn, secondhand &
junk store licenses. ACTION ITEM
Brian Perry d/b/a B & B Bargain Store
Syringa General Hospital Foundation d/b/a Syringa Auxiliary Thrift Shop
Craig & Rhonda Clovis d/b/a Sissys Thrift
Sherry Jolliff d/b/a Sherry’s Closet Treasurer Thrift Store
6. Overview on tiny house and/or size requirements of homes
7. Discussion on Council Committees
Executive Session: According to Idaho Code 74-206 (c) To acquire an interest in real property ACTION ITEM.
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.