December 20, 2010 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on December 20, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:

Del Houger
Michael Peterson
Wes Lester
Brian Lorentz
Georgia DeHaas

Councilmembers absent:

Rob Bentley

City employees present were Chief Quantz, Attorney Green, Public Works Director Gortsema and Clerk Kennedy

The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the December 6th and December 10th meetings were approved as presented by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Houger.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS:  Pam Smith with the Post Office requested that a seasonal no parking zone be established on the East side of College Street between Main and First Streets.  She explained that the contractor truck has a hard time backing into the loading dock due to cars parked on east side of the street. She felt the grade of the road combined with the cars parked on the east side is a hazardous situation and there has been cars parked there for more than 30 days.  She also wanted the focus to be on safety and maintaining the road in a better condition.  Councilwoman DeHaas replied that the City has an ordinance that states if vehicles are licensed they can park on the street.  She felt the City Streets should be available for parking for citizens and that it’s the post office’s problem if their lot isn’t designed well enough to allow the truck to access their loading dock.  Councilman Lester felt like Councilwoman DeHaas but stated grocery stores also have freight trucks that back in and he was concerned on the number of requests the City could receive if this one was granted.  Councilman Houger asked how many accidents the delivery trucks have over the last two years.  Pam thought there were three accidents.  The most recent accident was a different driver.  Chief Quantz reviewed the area and stated that the most recent accident had nothing to do with the request for no parking, as the truck was having problems when he turned the corner.  In addition he wasn’t chained up.  Some times the trucks don’t chain up, while others start at Zip Trip and chain up.  Before moving or restricting parking, Chief Quantz felt that drivers should chain up to see if that alleviates most of the problems.  The contract driver usually shows up around 5:45am-6am.  Public Works Director Gortsema stated that typically Public Works plows the paved hills first, then the school areas and business district, all of which takes at least two hours.  The sander runs after the streets are plowed.

Amanda Pilant was present to request a change of stop sign direction at the intersection of North Meadow, Nezperce and East North 4th.  Public Works Director Gortsema did some research with Jon Watson on the designation of North Meadow as a collector street and determined it wouldn’t affect its classification.  Jon Watson was concerned if the City removed the existing signs on North Meadow that it could create a liability in the future.  His recommendation would be to make it a four way stop if possible.  According to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices the City needs to meet warrants for what is required.  The manual is a guidance document but also used in the court of law.  The manual talks about not stopping higher volumes of traffic; however safety is considered too.  Mayor Walker stated that if a driver is heading down the hill, the driver would expect to stop because you can’t see that well to the north and south. Amanda explained the hill is a high grade and sometimes slick.  She is careful, but sometimes you can’t stop once you start down the hill.  Councilman Lester asked about City streets that used to be closed during the winter.  Gortsema explained Church and Little China used to be closed and used for sledding.  Over time, the City decided to leave them open year round as sledding accidents occurred.  Councilman Lester commented other City’s put signs of “closed to through traffic”.  Chief Quantz explained that Sgt. Beene responded to an accident at the intersection and while he was there two other vehicles slid through the intersection.  He felt it should be reviewed.  Councilman Houger felt Chief Quantz should do a traffic study on the intersection and the City possibly do more sanding.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  Snowhaven Minutes were not submitted for review.  Snowhaven opened December 11th.

BILLS:  The bills in the amount of $390,690.55 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Lorentz.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

SECONDHAND/JUNK STORE LICENSES:  On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to approve the secondhand licenses for Ralph Martin, Milton Perry and Stacey Turner.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

Ralph Martin d/b/a Martin’s Antiques
Milton Perry d/b/a B & B Bargain Store
Stacey Turner d/b/a Beginagains Thrift Store

ITEMS TO NOTE:  Suddenlink will be increasing prices as of December 2010.  The Walco Tonnage Reports through September 2010 were submitted to the Council.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Bruce Walker – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk


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