December 7, 2009 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on December 7, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Walker presided:

Councilmembers present:
Wes Lester
Del Houger
Mike Peterson
Georgia DeHaas
Linda Aiken
Brian Lorentz

City employees present were Public Works Director Gortsema, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.  Chief Sedam was absent.

AGENDA AMENDMENT:  On motion by Councilman Houger, second by Councilman Lester to amend the agenda to include a legislative update as Councilman Peterson was at the legislative meeting when the agenda was posted.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

MINUTES:  The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the November 16th meetings were approved as presented by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Peterson.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS:  Mayor Walker stated that he tried to invite several of the property owners involved in the discussion of the alley connecting North Florence and North Boulevard between East North 2nd and 3rd Streets in order to have a civil discussion.  Tove Ness was present to ask why the alley wasn’t graveled when the neighbors voted 5-2 to have it done.  Mayor Walker explained that at the last meeting he apologized but he felt the City made a mistake in graveling the west part of the alley.  The actual contract was to put the alley back to its original state.  The plan is for the alley to be seeded and have the alley barricaded until the grass is established.  Bob Sandlund has volunteered to plant the alley and keep it watered as needed.  Mr. Sandlund had the City bring in more soil, he filled in the holes, and will seed and water it and it should be pretty good shape by June.  Sandra Cuthbert stated that Eastern Oregon originally graveled the entire alley and she drove on it and wanted to know why it was removed.  Public Works Director Gortsema explained that the alley was never graveled.  Eastern Oregon Construction only bedded the pipe and added native rock. The City will send notice to emergency services and Avista letting them know they can use the alley if they need to for emergencies.

Pat Web was present to ask the City to adjust his mother’s utility bill at 801 North State Street.  Her toilet broke and he thought he had it fixed but he didn’t so she had two months of high bills.  Now he does have it fixed and he would like an adjustment.  After discussion the Council did not approve his request.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  The department responded to 117 calls for service.  There were 58 cases written, 15 misdemeanor arrests, 2 felony arrest, 17 citations, 14 written warnings issued, 6 dogs and 3 cats handled.  The Police and Animal Control Report for November 2009 was accepted on motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Houger.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to accept the Library Minutes of November 19, 2009.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

BANNER POLICY:  A revised banner policy was presented and adopted.


(Resolution No. 220 in its entirety on file in the City’s Resolution File)
The following resolution was introduced by Councilwoman DeHaas who moved for its adoption.  Second by Councilman Lorentz.

ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES: DeHaas, Houger, Lester, Lorentz, Aiken, Peterson.  NO:  none.  The motion passed.  Mayor Walker then declared Resolution No. 220 duly approved and adopted.

WWTP VARIANCE UPDATE:  DEQ has met and reviewed the variance.  They have requested additional information.  The City picked the best solution that would suit us (store and release) and ran the numbers based upon that decision.  DEQ wants the City to run the numbers on all three options.  There wasn’t that much difference on the options as far as the impact on the rate payers.  J-U-B is providing them a copy of the Facility Plan.

SNOWHAVEN LICENSE AGREEMENT: Attorney Green explained that PLT provided a hold harmless license for Snowhaven to use part of their ground for the tubing hill extension.  On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Lester to authorize the Mayor to sign the license with Prairie Tree Farms Limited Partnership, to allow for the tubing run-out on their property.  Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

STORM WATER SYSTEM AT 201 E SOUTH 10TH STREET:  Aaron Williams has been asked to put in a storm water system just like his neighbor did a year ago.  He didn’t pick up the certified letter so Attorney Green plans to have it served.  The letter will give him 15 days before the City will have it installed and then sue Mr. Williams in small claims to recover the costs.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE:  Councilman Peterson attended the legislative meeting in Boise last week.  The primacy report out of EPA said economic distress was our best choice for the wastewater plant.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

Bruce Walker – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk

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