February 10, 2020 Fire Training Minutes

Training meeting Monday February 10, 2020

  • Brian called the meeting to order at 19:00
  • Firemen were instructed to drive all trucks/engines to Kids Klub for a walk through.
  • Returned to station at 1935
  • Brian drew the Kids Klub (KK) building and surrounding structures and playground on the whiteboard. He then ask firemen to locate closest hydrants to KK and to locate best practice for staging of trucks/engines to incident. There was much discussion on best location for staging each engine for a fire at KK. Firemen were ask to locate fire extinguishers and exit doors in the building. Discussion also included protecting surround home owners buildings and the grade school. Brian reminded firemen that doing a walk through is a critical training tool not just a walk in the park. Be attentive. Purpose of a walk through is so the department can best attack an incident to save lives and keep damage to a minimum.
  • Jared discussed upcoming grant release for SCBA. He has talked to the county and they will be providing a couple of hand held radios from a grant.
  • Firemen Ball/Auction February 29th.
  • Next two meetings Sadie will instruct CPR classes (02/24, 03/09). Training will start at 1800 at the Elks.
  • Meetings adjourned at 2035

Minutes taken by Kerry McCulley

Approved by Fire Chief Bob Mager _________________________________

Bob Mager 541, Brian Perry 542, Jared Andrews 543.


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