The City Council met in regular session on February 2, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Walker presided:
Councilmembers present:
Linda Aiken
Del Houger
Wes Lester
Michael Peterson
Councilmember attendance by phone:
Georgia DeHaas
Councilmember absent:
Brian Lorentz
City employees present were Public Works Director Gortsema, Chief Sedam, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.
The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the January 20th regular meeting were approved as presented by Councilman Houger, second by Councilman Lester. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Chief of Police Sedam summarized the monthly report, reporting that the department responded to 93 calls for service. There were 78 cases written, 22 misdemeanor arrests, 2 felony arrests, 30 citations, 4 written warnings issued, 4 dogs and 2 cats handled. The Police and Animal Control Report for January 2009 was accepted on motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
PRIVATE ATTORNEY FOR WWTP ISSUES: Attorney Green explained that he had been in contact with Attorney Gary Allen of Boise and received a packet of information he had sent, including a contract. Basically Mr. Allen felt the City should start negotiating with DEQ to get an extension for the WWTP permit deadline. Attorney Green clarified that most City’s are handling WWTP issues with attorneys out of house. Gary Allen is expensive, at an expensive firm, although his reputation is in the circles for WWTP. Green felt Allen could provide guidance, review documents, and then let us know what the proper procedures would be. The City can utilize him in that capacity and then make a decision on whether he does negotiations or the City handles them. For the work he does, it’s $325.00 per hour.
SURPLUS: On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson to surplus the police dot matrix printer. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
CHOCOLATE FANTASY REQUEST: On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilwoman Aiken to donate one family season pool pass to Chocolate Fantasy for their auction. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
OTHER: Shelly Dumas was present and had some questions for the Council. She asked if the P&Z position was filled. Mayor Walker explained that the City has some candidates but has not made a decision. Ms. Dumas explained that because she recycles, she doesn’t use the garbage very much and would like to have the Council do a sliding scale for charges so she could pay a reduced rate. She also wanted to know if the Council has contacted someone at the state or federal level to try to get recycling back in Grangeville. Mayor Walker explained that garbage collection is set by contract so there is not an option at this time to change the fees. Recycling is voluntary by the contractor. Dorothy Walker talked to the Mayor last fall to let him know that there was no market and it cost too much to bring it to Lewiston. She wanted to close the Recycling Center in October or November. Mayor Walker encouraged her to keep it open and she agreed to keep it open until the 1st of the year. As of the first of the year they have shut down.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
Bruce Walker – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk