January 7, 2019 Regular Meeting

The City Council met in regular session on January 7, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Lester presided

Councilmembers present:

Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Beryl Grant
Pete Lane
Amy Farris
Dylan Canaday

City employees present were Chief Drew, City Administrator Kennedy, Attorney Green, Public Works Director Mager and Public Works Maintenance Lead Jones.


MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of December 17th and 28th were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Winkler. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

PUBLIC HEARING: City Administrator Kennedy explained Snowhaven would like to increase the 3-week lesson package from $130 to $150. No comments were received. The hearing was closed at 6:02 pm

VISITORS: Bruce Graham recently bought a rental house and ran into the problem that he was going to have to pay the past owner utility bill. There were no liens on the house. The last time this happened, he called the attorney general’s office and they said it was illegal. He wanted to voice his concern that the policy was wrong and ask to have it reviewed. Attorney Green and Kennedy will review the policy.

Public Works Director Mager explained Beth Keeler’s request to install a street light at 108 S Mill. Mager met with Eric Robie, Avista, and they would recommend installation by the street sign on the corner. It does not cost the City to install the pole, however it will add to the monthly utility bill for street lights. A decision will be at the next meeting.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Works Report – Mager stated the department worked on a ton of maintenance and plowed snow today.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Lester explained the City hasn’t used many of Council Committees lately. With a City Administrator the City may not need them, so he wanted to try without the committees. Councilor Peterson, seconded by Councilor Lane to accept the consent agenda as presented.

1. Approve the following Boards and Commissions:

Library Board: Brennan Wright (2019), Meleah McCulley (2022), Angela Norman (2020),
Betty Nafziger (2023), Susan Anderson (2021), Mike Peterson (liaison)

Planning and Zoning Commission: Michael Cook (2020), Yolanda Stout (2020),
Kevin Asker (2021), Don Kissinger (2020), Dan Gautney (2020), Jeff Kutner (2021),
Brian Perry (2021)

Snowhaven Expansion Committee: Todd Marek, Mike Sturdevant, Kevin Asker, Paul
Eimers, James Kingma, John Lamb, Mac McBoyle, James Rockwell

ADA Committee: Councilmembers Peterson and Grant, Connie Workman, Lynda Fox,
Mark Gravatt

Technical Review Committee: Mike Sturdevant, Tim Kaschmitter and Fire Chief Mager,
Police Chief Drew, Brian Lorentz, City Administrator Kennedy

Administrative and Personnel Committee: Beryl Grant, Scott Winkler, Pete Lane

CEDA Representative – Dylan Canaday

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Farris, Winkler, Canaday, Lane, Grant, Peterson. The motion passed.

FLAGS ON DECORATIVE LIGHT POLES: Councilor Winkler felt any flags placed on the poles should be kept consistent in size. They City should measure them, so they are the same. They are not intrusive, and they don’t hang in the way. Cindy Lane, Farmers Market, stated 18”x48” are the standard from the supplier. When they measured the bulldog flags, they were approximately 16”x46”. The flags would be on two posts, so they would be stiff and can’t flap in breeze. They only want them up during the Market Season from May-October. They have money for 4 but it depends on how much the brackets are.

Councilor Grant was worried about them competing with Border Days on the same pole and questioned the location of the flags. Cindy stated they would like them staggered on Main Street in the heart of town between the courthouse and Cash and Carry. Councilor Winkler didn’t think they would compete with business owners. Councilor Grant wanted to make sure the flags don’t get in the awnings. The City will get prices on brackets and continue working with Farmers Market.

CROSS CONTROL POLICY: Councilor Grant asked if the City has found testers yet. Mager stated they are in Lewiston, but the City hasn’t created a list. Tonight, he just needs to know if everything is clarified. He will have Eric Jones clean it up, the Council will review it one more time and then an ordinance will be drawn up. He will schedule a meeting with plumbers and contractors to explain the policy. Then an open house will be held for the public.


(Resolution No. 262 in its entirety on file in the City’s Resolution File)

The following resolution was introduced by Councilor Peterson who moved for its adoption. Second by Councilor Canaday.


ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed. Mayor Lester then declared Resolution No. 262 duly approved and adopted.

BROADBAND MEETING UPDATE: Mayor Lester attended the broadband meeting in Cottonwood a few weeks ago. They talked about redundancy to try to get a line from Riggins to Grangeville. If anything goes out now it’s a long route around to Pendleton.

They talked about trying to get developers of new subdivision to put in fiber optic. We have the possibility of considering it and maybe requiring it or at least conduit in subdivisions. Public Works Director Mager could talk to someone to see what would be required. Councilor Peterson stated in the state of union address from the new governor, he mentioned broadband is high on his list.

VEHICLE PURCHASE CHANGE: Chief Drew explained he went to buy the Ram as budgeted, however they are on a 365 day order hold because they are behind on their production. He can get a 2019 Chevy for same money, so he’s going to switch from Ram to Chevy. It will be beneficial for in town warranty/maintenance.

APPOINTMENT: Mayor Lester stated Jeff resigned a couple weeks ago. Lester wanted to appointed Bob Mager as Public Works Director. He started in July 1990 and went fulltime in February 1991. On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Farris to confirm the appointment of Bob Mager as Public Works Director. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane to go into Executive Session according to Section 74-206 (c) to acquire an interest in real property. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Wes Lester – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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