January 26, 2021 Planning & Zoning Minutes

Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held January 26, 2021, 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Members present:
Mike Cook – Chairman
Kevin Asker – Vice Chair
Dan Gautney
Graydon Galloway
Brian Perry
Yolanda Stout

Members absent: Lee Spencer

City Staff: City Administrator Kennedy

The meeting was called to order by Mike Cook at 5:30 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Dan Gautney to approve the minutes of November 24, 2020 as presented. Motion carried.

APPLICANT PRESENTATION: The public hearing was opened at 5:33 pm. Pete DeSantis, Church of the Nazarene, 515 W North 2nd Street, explained he is the Administrator for Cornerstone Christian Learning Center. They started in 2015 as a preschool and kindergarten with 7 kids and this year they have 35 kids attending. They then added grades 1st – 5th. Now they would like to add 6th – 8th grade. They have a variety of teachers, some of which are here today. They teach because they love it and have a heart for children. They will be adding only one grade at a time, starting with 6th grade.

Dan Gautney asked how many kids they were expecting. Pete responded the maximum for the playground is 100 and the current occupancy limit is 62 for the building.

Kevin Asker questioned if it met fire code. Pete stated he met last summer with Bob Mager as the fire chief and met all requirements. Their fire inspection is current.

Brian Perry asked if the current 35 kids were daycare and school age combined. Pete answered yes.

Kevin Asker stated the north side of building is parking lot and playground. Pete stated that is correct, but they only count the playground area for size to determine space. Kevin also asked how COVID-19 affected operations. Pete explained when they first started, they stayed in session and were working with public health and it was recommended to continue. When Idaho County had its first case, they went to distance learning. When numbers started to decrease, they came back to in person learning the last two weeks of school. They worked on some subjects over the summer with some of the kids to make sure they were good to go for fall. They started back in session at the beginning of the school year for 20-21.


STAFF PRESENTATION: City Administrator Kennedy reported all notices of hearing were delivered and published as required.

WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Phil and Charity Ruhnke, 601 N. College stated they did not have any objections to the church adding 6th-8th grade at Cornerstone.

SUPPORTERS: Lisa Summers lives in Kamiah, taught preschool in Kooskia several years and is a parent at the school. She has a 9-year-old with specific needs and has tried numerous schools. He’s in his 2nd year at Cornerstone and he has exceeded all expectations. They love Cornerstone. She felt the school offers something for kids that might not thrive in the regular setting and she would love to see it expand through 8th grade. As the preschool teacher, she loves everything about it.

Jason Tarlton has two kids attending. One of the kids needs additional care and the teachers are wonderful. It’s a good school, and he felt it would be a good thing to expand through 8th grade.

Kristin Hauger is a parent and teacher. When the school first started, they had just adopted their son and it was a great place for him. As a teacher she has 8 kids in her 3rd – 5th grade room, and is able to meet with each group daily, and it’s a lot more hands on. As parent and teacher it’s a blessing. She supports extending school through 8th grade.




The hearing was closed at 5:47 p. m.

DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Yolanda Stout stated they’ve done a pretty good job even before they started. They knew they were moving in phases and they’ve been taking it slowly to make sure it all works. Brian Perry stated if they meet the criteria for occupancy and the fire chief is happy then he’s happy. Graydon Galloway said he had no concerns and it sounded like a good proposal.

Chairman Cook discussed findings of fact with the commission as discussed for conditional uses.

a. The conditional use does not unreasonable impact public health, general welfare or general interest in the community. None was presented. No issues to address.

b. The proposed conditional use of property or structures will be appropriately located with respect to transportation facilities, water supply, fire and police protection, waste disposal and other similar facilities which might be needed for the proposed use. All criteria is met.

c. The general neighborhood character and surrounding property values will not be unreasonably negatively impacted. None.

d. The proposed conditional use will not cause an undue traffic hazard or unreasonable parking problem in the use district in which the conditional use is proposed. None

e. There is no substantial community objection and the terms of section 10-10-3 of this chapter are incorporated herein as an additional condition to the granting of a conditional use. None

On motion by Dan Gautney, second by Yolanda Stout to recommend approval to the City Council for the conditional use for Church of the Nazarene, 515 W North 2nd to add 6th-8th grade at Cornerstone Christian Learning Center as long as fire requirements are met. Motion carried.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: On motion Kevin Asker second by Yolanda Stout to keep the current slate of officers as shown below. Motion carried.

Chairman – Mike Cook
Vice Chairman – Kevin Asker
Secretary – Dan Gautney

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is February 23, 2021.

Adjourn by Mike Cook at 6:05 p.m.


Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk

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