January 31, 2023 Planning & Zoning Minutes

Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held January 31, 2023, 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Members present:
Mike Cook – Chairman
Kevin Asker – Vice Chair
Dan Gautney
Yolanda Stout

Members absent: Brian Perry
Lee Spencer
Graydon Galloway

City Staff: City Administrator Kennedy

The meeting was called to order by Mike Cook at 6:00 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Dan Gautney to approve the minutes of October 25, 2022 as presented. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARING #1: The public hearing was opened at 6:01 pm. No public present.

STAFF PRESENTATION: City Administrator Kennedy explained the commission has a proposed ordinance before them to take public input on an amendment to allow newly located private residences in the business district. Current code for the commercial zone states “there shall be no newly located private residences, of either frame or manufactured home construction.” The proposed ordinance removes that statement.





DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Dan Gautney was concerned about choking out retail business or having the space for new businesses if residential was allowed in the business district. He questioned if there was a way to allow more uses for commercial rather than just residences. Yolanda Stout asked if the City could specify that commercial use needs to be on the main level of the building but allow residential on additional floors. Dan stated he was ok with existing residences but concerned about new development and losing needed commercial space.

Motion by Kevin Asker, second by Yolanda Stout to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance to allow newly located private residences in the business district of the commercial zone. Motion carried.

Hearing closed 6:15 p.m.

PUBLIC HEARING #2: The public hearing was opened at 6:16 pm. No public present.

STAFF PRESENTATION: City Administrator Kennedy explained the commission has a proposed ordinance before them to take public input on an amendment to require two off street parking spaces for each free-standing residential building designed as a single-dwelling unit, in all zones. Multi-facility buildings already have a requirement for two off street parking spots per unit.





Close hearing 6:17 pm.

DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Kevin Asker stated the downside is that driveways will also eliminate street parking. Someone could choose to install a driveway, two vehicles wide which eliminates street parking. He said a positive of the requirement is when the City needs to do street cleaning or plowing, more vehicles will be off the street. Dan Gautney was also concerned about cutting out street parking with too many driveways having to be installed, especially in the business district.

Motion by Kevin Asker, second by Yolanda Stout to recommend to the council to accept the proposed ordinance to require off street parking spaces for each free-standing residential building designed as a single dwelling unit. Motion carried.

NEW OFFICERS: Yolanda Stout nominated Mike Cook for chair with no second. On motion by Kevin Asker, second by Yolanda Stout to keep the current slate of officers. Motion carried.

Chairman – Mike Cook
Vice Chairman – Kevin Asker
Secretary – Dan Gautney

ITEMS TO NOTE: Kevin Asker voiced his concern if ITD plans for additional development and improvements to Lake Road as a cutoff for Hwy 95 then Grangeville will need to fight it.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is February 28, 2023 at 6:00 pm.

Adjourned by Mike Cook at 6:39 p.m.

Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk

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