January 8, 2018 Fire Training Minutes

Training meeting Monday, January 08, 2018
Meeting called to order at 18:55
· Kerry read a thank you card from the Pearsons, thanking the department for the work they do for the community and expressing how much they enjoy the Santa Truck. A check was enclosed to express their appreciation.
· Bob turned the meeting over to Jerry Cox, local spokesman for the Eagles. Also present from the Eagles were members Tomiann Day and Lee McDade. Jerry presented the Grangeville Fire Department with a certificate of appreciation from the local Eagles organization for all the department does to keep our community safe. Jerry then invited the entire GFD to join the Eagles and he explained to GFD the benefits the Eagles has to offer locally and nationally. He closed out his presentation by giving each fireman a complimentary breakfast ticket to the Eagles and then the members handed out dessert that the members had brought in appreciation of the departments commitment to the community
· Dan read a flyer about the upcoming PTA Dodge Ball fund raiser to be held March 10 at GEMS. Cost is $225.00 per team. If interested contact Dan
· Bob said the painters will be working next week and ask for help moving furniture upstairs and in the locker room before leaving.
· Bob turned the meeting over to President Andrew so the department could be vote on rookie Beth Boehmke upon her completion of her one year probation. Andrew and Kerry handed out ballots and ask the department members to just put a YES or NO on the slip to indicate your vote for Beth. A yes vote means she will be a member a no vote means not accepted as a member of GFD. After the votes were counted by Andrew and Kerry. The vote was unanimous in favor of Beth becoming a member of GFD. With no other business to discuss Andrew adjourned the business meeting and turned the remainder of the training meeting over to the Chief
· Bob reported that Brian will become 545 as a backup for the Chiefs. This is not a voted on position. 545 is appointed by the Chief.
· Brian told the department about a Fire School in Rupert, Idaho February 16-18. If interested contact Brian. Deadline for sign up is our next meeting January 22nd.
· John U discussed the upcoming Fireman Ball in Whitebird and ask if it is okay for GFD to still be on the flyer even though we will no longer participate in the fundraiser. After discussion from the members it was decided to allow the event to continue to use the name GFD in their advertising.
· Bob spoke for the entire department in thanking Jared for ALL his work on the very successful raffle. Everything about it was great. Bob said, “Great idea, great results and a great outcome.” Bob also thanked everyone who worked so hard to sell tickets. Members who delivered cards and presents to the families in the community talked about the experience of seeing so many happy faces and even a few tears.
· Bob dismissed the fireman from the upstairs to move furniture for the painters and to start removing lights from the Santa truck.
· Meeting adjourned at 20:30
Minutes taken by Kerry McCulley Secretary

Approved by Fire Chief Bob Mager _________________________________

Bob Mager 541, John Sangster 542, Tommy Jacobs 543, Brian Perry 545.


Bob Mager Dan Modrell  Zach Stewart
Mike Tackett Brian Perry Tom Jacobs
John Sangster Andrew Lane Mark Decaria
John Cline Kerry McCulley Brandon Swanstrom
Rick Cochran Jared Andrews
Beth Boehmke Todd McGeorge
Matthew Seaver Matt Parr
Dean Peebler  John Urbhan
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