The City Council met in regular session on July 1, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Lester presided
Councilmembers present:
Mike Peterson
Beryl Grant
Pete Lane
Dylan Canaday
Amy Farris
Scott Winkler
City employees present were Chief Drew, Attorney Green, Public Works Director Mager and City Administrator Kennedy.
MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the minutes of June 17th were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, seconded by Councilor Grant. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
AGENDA AMENDMENTS: At the end of the meeting, the Mayor and Council plan to go to the WWTP to view the empty ditches. Everyone is welcome.
VISITORS: Dennis Tracy was present to ask permission to have a sign hung at the Lions Park to recognize the contribution from Steven Schumacher on building the little league fields back in 1992. Dennis displayed a powder coated sign with wording “Est 1992 by Steve Schumacher” in the shape of a baseball bat, to hang on the fence under the bar, between the south and middle fields. On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Farris to allow Dennis Tracy to hang the Steve Schumacher sign. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Patrick and Marietta Holman, Walco, were present to ask for a 4.6% increase. The costs are driven insurance and licensing cost and trying to keep employees. At this time yard waste is still allowed at transfer station; however there is still conflicted info. DEQ is releasing guidance and Walco is hoping to keep the program unless regulated otherwise.
David McKnight, Airbridge, stated they had set up two temporary hot spots during border days. Airbridge has decided to provide free internet for local governments to give back to the community. They are not looking for recognition. Chief Drew stated the park would probably be better than Heritage Square, based on usage. On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Peterson to allow Airbridge to set up a hot spot at the City Park if feasible. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Works Report – Public Works Director Mager stated the department has been working on street painting and spraying, tree trimming and removal around town, tall grass and blade patching. The Soroptimist porta potty was delivered and public works will construct a fence around it to make it look nice. After visiting with a few of the Soroptimist ladies, the old flower bed will be removed and cleaned up. The Wayne Harris brick removal will be at end of year as he is tied up. The sidewalk project by the bowling alley is set to start July 19. The City lost two wells in one weekend, Park and Eimers wells. Park well was electrical issue; it’s up and running. Eimers well has a submersible pump and they hope to raise it next week to determine the issue. The east ditch at WWTP is cleaned and ready for the diffuser project. City Hall and Heritage Square will be seal coated next week. Eric Jones is doing cross control inspections. The Golf course has a good plan for their well house and they will see what they can accomplish with funding. Mager is working with the Lions Club and hoping to get sidewalks at Lions Park from the bathroom to the softball diamond. The alley behind Greg Winkler’s home is opened back up. The Highway 95 islands are done and the fire hydrants were painted by the 4-H club.
WATER MASTER PLAN: Public Works Director Mager explained he worked with David to have another alternative, approached as a consumer. They need the bond to get the money for the well. Alternative 3A has the bond for $12 and then a 4.88% initial rate increase and 4.88% annual rate increase on base and volume rates. To close out the Mast Plan project, the City needs to choose an option. The plan can be modified later if necessary. David will be here at the next meeting to discuss and answer questions.
Mayor Lester told asked the Council to consider laying purple pipe, irrigation pipe, when we do future projects just in case the City ends up needing irrigation lines.
MAYOR/COUNCIL SALARIES: Clerk Kennedy asked various Cities at the AIC Conference what they do for Mayor and Council salaries. The reasoning varied among Cities. Most Cities had discussion on the Council agenda each election year, so the salaries were at least discussed. Many looked at cost of living to decide if a change was necessary. Those that offered health insurance varied 50/50. Most did not pay for extra meetings. Elected officials are eligible for PERSI and will be reimbursed for travel and business expenses.
On motion by Councilor Grant, second by Councilor Winkler to increase Mayor salary to $950/month, Council salary to $650 a month and $50 for council meetings attended. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Councilors Grant and Winkler feel Health insurance should be an option available. Administrator Kennedy will have an ordinance prepared for next meeting and health insurance will be discussed.
CATERING PERMIT: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Grant to approve the catering permit for The Rib Guy & Gal, 45 Hwy 95 N, July 4th from 10am to 12:01 am for Border Days Gala. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Grant to approve the transfer of beer and wine license from Askers Thrift Inc. d/b/a Askers Harvest Foods to Cloninger’s Inc. d/b/a Cloninger’s Marketplace. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Winkler to approve the catering permit for The Melting Pot in The Trails Parking lot at 101 E Main on July 6, 2019, 6pm to 12:01am for Border Days Street Dance. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Winkler to go into Executive Session according to Section 74-206 (c) to acquire an interest in real property. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Canaday, Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.
Wes Lester – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk