City Council met in special session on July 14, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Lester presided:
Councilmembers present:
Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Dylan Canaday
Beryl Grant
Amy Farris
Pete Lane
City employees present were City Administrator Kennedy, Chief Newman, Public Works Director Mager, and Assistant Fire Chiefs Perry and Andrews.
FIRE: Mager budgeted for replacement of 5” and 1.5” hose and 10 spare SCBA tanks.
STREET: Mager budgeted for a BST treatment for W North 3rd and W North 6th, 1/3 cost of a V-blade for skid steer at $4,200 to be paid out of Street, Park and WWTP, 25% of a new pickup $40,000 budgeted out of Street, Parks, Water and Sewer.
WATER: Mager budgeted for Team Viewer and a GIS Mapping computer and equipment, 1/3 cost of a V-blade for skid steer at $4,200 to be paid out of Street, Park and WWTP, 25% of a new pickup $40,000 budgeted out of Street, Parks, Water and Sewer. The Water tank project design and construction and design for the well and drilling construction was also budgeted in case the bond passes.
SEWER: Mager budgeted for manhole replacement and a CIPP at Herman Acres, 1/3 cost of a V-blade for skid steer at $4,200 to be paid out of Street, Park and WWTP, 25% of a new pickup $40,000 budgeted out of Street, Parks, Water and Sewer. Mixer carryover at the plant, a sludge pup and pump hoses were also included. Design and construction for CIPP projects and design of trunk line upsize and pipe burst were included.
Adjourned at 7:20 P.M.
Wes Lester – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – Clerk