July 21, 2022 Board Meeting

Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room-215 W North St.
July 21, 2022- 5:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. Those present: President Brennan Wright, Secretary Meleah McCulley, Vice President Betty Nafziger, Carmen Sangster, Gina Sobrero, and Heidi Brown. Absent: Bridget Arnzen. Visitor: Stacy Stone

Minutes: Betty moved and Carmen seconded to approve the board minutes from the last meeting held on June 14, 2022. Motion passed.

Budget Report: Heidi shared the report of expenditures from June 2022 and revenue through May 2022.

Library Report:
Summer Reading was successful. An average of 75 kids attended each craft day. The movie theatre was packed with approximately 120 kids for the closing day.
Art in the Park also went quite smoothly this year. There were 40 vendors over the 2-day event, which doubled the expected income amount that was budgeted. The used book sale brought in $603, which also met budget expectations.
Let’s Talk About It was approved for the upcoming 22-23 season. Topic selected: biographies and autobiographies.

Old Business

1. Stacy Stone was approved as the newest board member, replacing Meleah McCulley. Pending the City’s final approval, she will join the board at the January meeting to start her five-year term. Motion was made by Betty and seconded by Carmen. Motion passed.

2. Trustee Manual. Carmen agreed to continue as the head of this subcommittee, which has been tasked to complete the updates to the GCL Trustee Manual and move it into a digital format.

New Business

1. No new business.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:26 PM.




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