The City Council met in regular session on June 15, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Walker presided:
Councilmembers present:
Del Houger
Michael Peterson
Brian Lorentz
Wes Lester
Linda Aiken
Georgia DeHaas
City employees present were Chief Sedam, Public Works Director Gortsema, Attorney Green and Clerk Kennedy.
The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the June 1st regular meeting were approved as presented by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilman Lester. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
VISITORS: Ethel Green with the US Census provided information to the Council and asked that the City become a census partner. In March 2010 the short form will be coming out with 10 questions. A decision will be made at the next meeting.
Sue Kutner, The Gallery, requested permission to place tents in the parking area in front of The Gallery on July 3rd for a class reunion from 3pm-6pm. On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Houger to grant Sue Kutner of The Gallery permission for a partial street closure to place tents on the north side of West North Street for July 3rd from noon to 8:00 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
Rob and Dolly Tipton, 514 North A, requested permission to place a 4’ chain link fence on their property in order to keep their kids in the yard. The required height on the fence is 3’ when it’s within 50’ of the corner. On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Lorentz to grant Rob and Dolly Tipton permission to put their 4’ chain link fence on the corner of A and 5th Street. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
DISCOUNTED POOL PASS: Clerk Kennedy explained that Eleanor Wagner was in asking for discounted swimming lesson passes. She wanted to buy some lessons for those that couldn’t afford to buy them and the amount varied $100.00 – $500.00. She wanted to be able to buy them for $20.00 instead of $25.00. Kennedy explained that other patrons buy season passes and donate them to those that need them. The school and the Department of Health and Welfare determine who gets them. The Pool Committee felt that Mrs. Wagner should buy the lessons at the regular pass rate. Councilman Lester agreed with the recommendation and Councilwoman DeHaas didn’t feel the City should do discounted tickets.
On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Peterson to accept the Library Board Minutes from May 25, 2009. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE AT 714 NORTH STATE: Attorney Green explained the two directions the Council could choose in order to proceed with the abatement of the nuisance at 714 North State. The first option would be to charge the owners with a crime for violating the code with the junk on the property. The other option would be to do a civil abatement of the problem asking for the owners to clean up property. The Council would need to declare that the property is a public nuisance and direct Attorney Green to take the necessary action. Green would then draft a letter to the owners giving them 30 days to clean up the property. If they don’t, he would have the court order them to clean up the property and then reimburse the City for attorney fees. If they don’t clean up the property, then the Chief would order it cleaned and bill the property owner for the expense. On motion by Councilwoman DeHaas, second by Councilwoman Aiken to declare the property at 714 North State Street as offensive to the senses and therefore a public nuisance and authorizing the City Attorney to take reasonable measures to abate said nuisance. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present. Councilman Lester asked who decides how clean it needs to be. Attorney Green responded that the Council will ultimately decide when enough is enough. Councilman Houger asked that the City be specific and cautious because you can drive anywhere in Grangeville and see properties with similar problems.
NORTH HALL STREET TRAFFIC STUDY: Chief Sedam’s recommendation based upon the traffic study on North Hall Street is to drop the speed limit to 15 mph and keep traffic going both ways. Connie Ford of Mountain View Trailer Park came to talk to the Chief and asked if he did recommend a one way street, to please have it going north into the park. The street is narrow, crowded and has a lot of kids. Mayor Walker questioned reducing the speed limit if the intent was for dust control. In order to cut down on the dust, the amount of traffic would need to be reduced. Councilman Lester stated that he appreciated the Chief’s work, but felt the City should wait as he felt more information was needed from those living in the area. He also felt the City should maybe wait a year and see what happens with the dust control. On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Houger to leave the 800 block of North Hall Street as is for the time being. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
BILLS: The bills in the amount of $233,140.38 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Peterson. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.
AUTHORIZE SIGNING OF CONTRACT: On motion by Councilman Lorentz, second by Councilman Lester to authorize signing of the contract with Easter Oregon Construction for the 2009 Sewer Project. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: DeHaas, Houger, Lester, Lorentz, Aiken, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
DISCONTINUED SERVICE DRAFT FOR WATER: Clerk Kennedy explained that she has met with Public Works Director Gortsema about possible solutions to those citizens that have water connections that they don’t have any plans of using and would like disconnected. At this time, the City has an ordinance that requires the owner to pay the $15.00 bond charge even when the water is turned off. The policy drafted by Gortsema after discussion with Kennedy allows citizens a couple of options for disconnection if they so desire. Councilman Lester felt that if a citizen disconnects from the system it should require a buy in fee. Gortsema’s opinion was that it was an existing line and should not require the buy in. This will be on the next meeting agenda.
SET WORKSHOP: A workshop was set with J-U-B at noon at Oscars Restaurant to discuss the wastewater plant.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Councilman Lester, second by Councilman Lorentz to go into Executive Session according to Section 67-2345 (f) litigation. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: DeHaas, Houger, Lester, Lorentz, Aiken, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
A motion was made by Councilman Lester, second by Councilwoman DeHaas to go out of Executive Session. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: DeHaas, Houger, Lester, Lorentz, Aiken, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.
No action taken.
The meeting adjourned at 9:11 P.M.
Bruce Walker – Mayor
Tonya Kennedy – City Clerk