June 17, 2019 Regular Meeting

City Council met in regular session on June 17, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mayor Lester presided:

Councilmembers present:
Scott Winkler
Mike Peterson
Pete Lane
Beryl Grant
Amy Farris

Councilmembers absent: Dylan Canaday

City employees present were Chief Drew, Public Works Director Mager, Attorney Green and City Administrator Kennedy.


MINUTES: The meeting was called to order and the Council minutes of June 3rd were approved as presented by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Grant. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

VISITORS: Gavin Lewis, Ida-Lew, was present to provide an update. He worked with 98 different businesses in last year. Councilor Grant asked Gavin to send future minutes to the City.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Lane, to accept the Fire Training Minutes of May 13 and 27, 2019. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Farris, to accept the Library Minutes of May 30, 2019. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

MAYOR AND COUNCIL SALARIES: Councilors Grant and Peterson both brought ideas to the Council for consideration. Since salaries hadn’t been raised since 1997, Grant had a proposal out to 2029. The 2019 proposal would be Mayor $650, Council $390, with extra meetings changing from $35 to $50. Peterson proposed Mayor $700, Council $400 with extra meeting pay at $50/meeting. The Council is also considering covering the elected officials on the City insurance at City cost (no dependents). This will be discussed at the next meeting.

WATER RATE STUDY: Mayor Lester explained J-U-B Engineers provided a new handout for the Council to review. To replace alternative 1, he brought up the idea of doing a $20 bond right away so you’d have all the money up front. Then everyone pays bill not just higher users.

Mayor Lester asked the Council to review the information J-U-B submitted for the Council to consider and be ready to discuss the options and concerns anyone may have at the next meeting.

BILLS: The bills, in the amount of $273,221.41 were approved and ordered paid out of their respective funds, on motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Winkler. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

TREES IN ROW: Public Works Director Mager stated locust trees cause sewer problems. Councilor Farris stated the trees look rough. On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Farris, to approve Karl and Debbie Urquhart’s request to remove trees in the South Street right of way at 120 S B Street. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

WATER AND SEWER CONNECTION POLICIES: On motion by Councilor Winkler, second by Councilor Peterson to adopt the revised Water and Sewer Connection Policies. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

CATERING PERMIT: On motion by Councilor Farris, second by Councilor Grant to approve the Catering Permit submitted by The Rib Guy & Gal, 45 Hwy 95 N, July 5th and 6th from 10am to 12:01am both nights for Border Days Gala. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council present.

PUBLIC HOT SPOT WITH AIRBRIDGE: City Administrator Kennedy explained Airbridge had visited with her that they would like to supply a hot spot either at Heritage Square or Pioneer Park free of charge. Discussion occurred on the location, whether equipment needed to be placed on a building or if they wanted to advertise. This will be revisited next meeting with additional information provided by Airbridge.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Councilor Peterson, second by Councilor Winkler to go into Executive Session according to Section 74-206 (c) to acquire an interest in real property. ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Farris, Winkler, Lane, Grant, Peterson. NO: none. The motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.

Wes Lester – Mayor

Tonya Kennedy – Clerk

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