Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room-215 W North St.
June 17, 2021- 5:00 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Meleah at 5:03 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Carmen Sangster, Betty Nafziger, Gina Sobrero, Heidi Brown, and Dylan Canaday. Absent: Brennan Wright and Susan Anderson
Minutes: Motion was made by Betty to approve the March 18, 2021 Board minutes, seconded by Carmen. Motion passed.
Budget Report: Gina shared the April Revenue and May expenditure reports. Heidi reported that everything is on schedule and they haven’t gone over budget.
Library Report: Gina shared that My First Books and Grangeville Centennial Library will be working with GEMS/ Susan Anderson to get the books to the Kindergarten and Pre-K classes. The 3-D printer is now up and running in the library. GCL has been awarded a grant for $2000 to go towards digital books. They have applied for a grant to purchase a self-checkout computer. Summer reading has started. Activities include various animal themed crafts and STEM activities such as bouncy balls and lava lamps. Gina also announced that Let’s Talk About It is back.
Old Business
1. Strategic Planning: Mission Statement, Primary/Secondary Roles
a. No action was taken at this time.
2. Updating Constitution and By-Laws
a. No action was taken at this time.
New Business
1. Discuss and approve budget for 2021/2022 Heidi explained that the budget is similar except for a proposed increase in salaries for aides. Action: Meleah moved to approve the budget, Betty seconded. Motion passed.
2. 2022 Calendar Action: Carmen moved to approve the 2022 calendar, Betty seconded and the motion was approved.
3. Fine Free Library There was discussion about removing library fines. Main part of discussion was patron accountability and limited budget. Does not make a feasible action at this time. The fines are a large part of the budget. Action: Betty moved to keep the fines on the budget as is for the 2021-2022 year, seconded by Carmen. Motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:32 PM