Grangeville City Council Agenda
June 2, 2014 – 7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
Read and/or approve minutes of the May 19th meeting
1. Joe Cladouhos – Request for a letter of support for Syringa Hospital CEDA block grant application
2. John Watson and Kevin Dahler – Idaho Forest Group Agreement
3. Addie Lutz – Discuss 5k run for Senior Project
4. Shanna Cool – Fundraisers for Warbird Weekend
a. Catering Permit at the Twisted Cellar parking lot for a yard sale June 7th and 8th, from 10 am – 4 pm
b. Catering Permit at the Blue Fox Theatre, dinner and movie, June 14th from 8pm – 12am
c. Beer Garden and Catering Permit for Softball Tourney at Lions Park June 28th from 10 am – 8pm
Committee Reports:
1. Accept Library Minutes – May 15, 2014
Unfinished Business:
1. Discuss sign in Pioneer Park – Wes
New Business:
1. Grangeville Country Club – Request for $18,000 from the Webb fund for equipment purchase
2. Request from Dave Stewart, 214 North A Street, to place a 6’ fence in the right of way of West North 2nd Street along the back side of the sidewalk
Items to Note:
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above noticed meeting should contact the City of Grangeville at 983-2851.