Lawn Watering Guidelines
As the summer months continue, and rainfall wanes, the wells the city uses for producing drinking water are stressed and take longer to recharge. As we don’t have an irrigation system or a reclaimed water system, that same drinking water is used for watering lawns, and improper watering of lawns leads to a lot of wasted water. There are many guidelines and practices that can lead you towards a healthy lawn and conservation of water, even during arid months. The following guidelines will help the community conserve and prolong our drinking water supply, and can save money on your water bill. If we continue to overwater and waste our drinking water, new infrastructure, like wells and additional water mains to those well-sites, could be needed at great cost to our community. Or, regulations for watering lawns would be necessary to safeguard the availability of our drinking water.
Please read the link below on lawn watering guidelines.