Training meeting Monday March 09, 2020
- Bob called the meeting to order at 18:00
- Bob introduced Sadie as our First Aid trainer for the evening.
- Training was held in the basement of the Elks.
- Sadie gave a brief introduction of what to expect for the night and then she started the training.
- After the training Bob reminded everyone that when you turn on the exhaust fan in the station it is your responsibility to turn it off. He told everyone that the department heating bill this month was extremely high. Be responsible! He also said it is each firemen’s responsibility to learn how to run the gas pumps when you fill up an engine/truck.
- With a number of firemen going to fire school this weekend Bob ask for head count of how many people would be available this weekend.
- Jared said that the SCBA grant is being reviewed.
- Meetings adjourned at 2110
- Minutes taken by Kerry McCulley
Approved by Fire Chief Bob Mager _________________________________
Bob Mager 541, Brian Perry 542, Jared Andrews 543.