March 17, 2022 Board Meeting

Grangeville Centennial Library Board Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room-215 W North St.
March 17, 2022- 5:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order by Betty Nafziger at 5:00 PM. Those present: Meleah McCulley, Carmen Sangster, Betty Nafziger, Gina Sobrero, and city council representative Dylan Canady. Absent: Brennan Wright, Bridget Arnzen, and Heidi Brown

Minutes: Carmen moved and Meleah seconded to approve the board minutes from the last meeting held on January 20, 2022. Motion passed.

Budget Report: Gina shared the report of expenditures for February and revenue through January 2022. The Annual Report for 2020-2021 is now available. Heidi will explain it at our next meeting.

Library Report:
• Heidi has the flyer ready to go for this summer’s Art in the Park, to be held Saturday and Sunday, July 2nd and 3rd.
• Gina has applied for a grant to replace the library carpet; it would be the same as the carpet recently installed downstairs.
• We’ve received a $500 grant for summer STEM projects. Theme: Oceans of Possibilities. The summer reading plan includes 2 events each week of June.
Earth Day project: Seeds for Bee’s is still coming.
Let’s Talk About It finished with its last book this month.
• The Art Contest is currently underway. Voting ends this week, and winners will be announced Monday.
My First Books grant continues at GEMS with the Kindergarten/1st graders. We’re averaging 60-70 students each visit. All students receive copies of the read-aloud book to take home, along with a parent newsletter focusing on literacy tips for young readers.
Gina is currently looking for two library aides.

Old Business

1. Strategic Plan. Meleah explained the last section of the five-year plan: Measuring the Success. All present discussed and provided feedback, specifically adding a manageable time frame for completion. Carmen moved to approve this last section, as edited. Meleah seconded the motion. Motion passed. Meleah will type the final copy and upload it to DropBox for review. A hard copy will be available at the library for everyone to sign, especially for those who will not be at the May board meeting.

New Business

1. Trustee Manual. Carmen reported that nothing has been added to the current Trustee Manual, which is available in hard-copy form at the library. Meleah reported that there is space for a digital copy to be uploaded to DropBox when ready.

2. 2023 Calendar. Gina provided dates for the 2023 board meetings, to be held every-other-month on the third Thursdays at 5:00. Carmen moved to approve this calendar. Meleah seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Gina recommended a possible replacement for Meleah, whose term ends November 2022. She recommended Stacy Stone, who currently volunteers for story time as needed. The new board term would run five years, from 1/1/23 to 12/31/27. All recommendations are approved by the city council.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:47 PM.


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